Hello to you! Hope all is well in your corner of the world. Here in Bethlehem it is getting more seasonally casual at our house. Roger is off work for the Winter months and has just about finished with the business of doing the leaves gathering and putting away the patio furniture as well as all the large pots that he grows his tomatoes in. He was pretty proud of his red skinned potato patch (all 3x3 ft of it). He stuck a few potato buds in in May and stirred the dirt once in awhile. Unbelievably the potatoes ended up being so huge that one potato could feed 4 people! He harvested a basket full of these beauties so we will be eating from his bounty for awhile.

I had company for awhile-the granddogs came to stay while my daughter, her hubby, and the two grandsons were vacationing in Florida. It was wild at times around here with 4 cats and 4 dogs. The eldest dog, Shyanne,  is deaf and nearly blind. Sometimes she is like Mr. Mague from the old cartoons on Saturday mornings from way back-just wandering around, getting herself in some pretty precarious situations, especially outdoors when I would let them follow me around the house. She goes into a panic attack if I leave her inside on her own. She loves to sniff here and there. There's nothing wrong with her nose. Between watching Shyanne and seeing my parents age I am developing a sense of how hard it is to hang onto our dignity as we age.

So, what to do when the weather is cool and rainy. Well, Lucy and Dolly and I know how to relax. In fact, we do it very well! I rush through my daily chores and then we settle by the fireplace.
They sleep and I either listen to music or put in a DVD to watch while I crochet. I bought the complete collection of CSI:NY during the Summer and am working my way through it as I work on trying to create appropriate ponchos for the grandsons.
Not having them close by for sizing is not helpful but as long as they aren't too small I will be happy. This is the first one made and now I have to start on the other one. A little smaller I think since their ages are 11 and 7.
I also want to get them done because my yarn package from Wool Warehouse arrived yesterday. It contained a collection of Lucy's yarn of Attic 24 fame to make her latest blanket project, Sunny Granny Square.

I guess it's about time I put some seeds in the bird feeder. 

 How'd you like the big moon of a few weeks ago. Roger took this one. 

Take care my bloggy friends!


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