I have been back in Pennsylvania for a few weeks now. We have gone through a metamorphosis since my arrival; bleak to beautiful! Well, maybe not yet but we are getting there. I brought snow with me from Maine but it didn't last long and then about a week or so ago, Spring finally arrived and so far this is the result...

I came home from Mom's very tired and not feeling very well. It was a long hard Winter there on the Island in Maine. I was glad that at 91 Mom was not on her own.  And we were very blessed to have a whole-house generator so that despite 4 Nor'easter snowstorms we were always warm, safe, and emergency free. Mom seems to be doing quite well health wise right now, finally! She misses Dad, is lonely at times, feels like she doesn't have a reason to get up in the morning and is her usual anxious self, worrying about everything, but that is just Mom.  So, I decided to come home for 6 weeks to go to my doctors, have some tests done, spend some time with my family, etc. My time is almost up though. I will be leaving May 1st to go back up. She is starting to feel anxious that I may not return! I promised Dad that I would take care of her and keep her out of the nursing home as long as possible and I intend to keep that promise for as long as I can.  I feel so blessed to have this time with her. After getting married and moving away there was a 40 year period that I didn't see much of my parents. A week  now and then but family and work obligations kept me pretty much out of the country (Canada) and then in Pennsylvania.

 I have seen my family doctor and he ordered a bunch of tests. I have completed them all and I go back on the 30th to get the results. My most painful affliction is arthritis in my back. I also have some heart issues. Next is  hereditary eye afflictions. My two brothers and myself plus both my children have serious problems with our eyes.  I  went to my Retina Specialist:
The good news is that I will not need another eye injection for my Macular Degeneration for 2 months!! Considering that I usually have them every 4 to 5 weeks I was over the moon when he told me that! Oh, wow, I have been going to him for injections for over 5 years now. I will be going for the rest of my life probably unless I want to lose my eyesight.

Since being home I have been cuddling with my pupsters and keeping the cats out of trouble. They are incredibly cute, affectionate and very much spoiled!

Roger and I have enjoyed eating out (something I rarely do living on the Island in Maine) and going to church, bible study and meeting up with friends. I would like to plan a real vacation but somehow think I should be available to get to Mom asap in case of an emergency. 
Poor hubby is so used now to living on his own and then I come home and change everything around, including a bit of bossing if truth be known, and after awhile he doesn't know which way is up. You see, he is retired Army and is used to living on his own, having everything the way he likes it. DON'T touch my stuff! Is his mantra.  (My 1st husband passed away 13 years ago and Roger is my 2nd).

  He also likes to go to yard sales and brings home more and more "stuff" that we really DON'T need not to mention have room for. I, on the other hand, can't stand clutter. Our cleaning lady can't stand clutter! So, in the name of keeping her happy(and my sanity) almost as soon as I walk in the door I start de-cluttering.

  OUT WITH THE OLD...baker that is...in with the new...

I have spent many years cooking; in my parent's restaurant as a teenager, then for my own family and for two people after the kids left the nest.  After I retired  cooking is now my least favorite thing to do. I don't know if it was out of necessity or because some of his men friends took it up when they retired but Roger has taken up baking as a new hobby. I couldn't be happier about it.  My waistline doesn't need his goodies but I must say he is excelling in this new kitchen venture. His apple turnovers are  SO yummy! He is in the kitchen as I write this doing his thing. I think it's a pie. He loves making pies. 

Well, friends, thank you for popping by. I am going to sit in my chair with my heating pad on my aching back (I weeded yesterday) and crochet on a few of my wips (works in progress). I have some finished projects (a couple of lacy doilies) that I brought back from Maine and I must take pictures of them when the sun shines again to post to my other blog, Yum-Yum crochet. Otherwise I don't remember from year to year what I have accomplished. The first few years are missing completely because I didn't take pictures and I gave away most everything I made, including the many years that quilting was my hobby. But that's a whole other aspect of my life that is pretty much a blur. My sewing room is fully stocked with everything one would need to turn out quilts but I seem to have lost my mojo in that department when I started crocheting. Hubby keeps hoping that it will come back. There's a lot of money invested in that room and it's contents! 


It's taken me a couple of days to put my thoughts in order and write them down. I have spent most of today in the POCONO MOUNTAINS visiting with my daughter and grandsons. They are getting so tall and grown up.
 I remember when Judi and the boys looked like this!
Judi home schools them, they were just finishing their lessons when I arrived. School for them is just about finished until August when they will start the new term. Judi and I went to lunch at a restaurant called Jubilee. We hadn't been there before but will certainly go back again. It's located in a town near Lake Naomi. I dropped her off at home after picking up a pizza  for the boys and their dad.

 Coming home I stopped at one of my go to "fat stores", CATHERINE'S to stock up on Summer tops, buy one get another for 50% off.

All in all, a lovely day away. So nice in the Poconos, temps in the 60's and sunny. 

Have a great weekend! I leave you with one more sign of Spring...the American male goldfinches are turning yellow, their summer plumage.

Toodle pip!


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