It's amazing to me that here in Pennsylvania we are enjoying the first of Spring's many dazzling aray of colors while on the Island, in Maine, where I now spend about 3 weeks out of every month, sleet, rain and starkness rule our days. The first day of Spring was no exception; we had 7 inches of snow with blizzard like conditions. I took a few pictures but from inside the house: To be fair to Mother Nature it disappeared 3 days later after a heat wave of 50 and 60 degree weather-plus lots of sunshine poured out and soaked warmth into our souls... Much needed warmth. We were all in a funk. Too much time spent in the house. But I must back up by a few days; before the storm struck. I was out running errands for my aged mother with whom I am staying since my dad went into the Island Nursing Home. I took along my camera and snapped here and there. I love the character of the old houses, many of them passed down through the ages to the descendants of sea captain's o...