
Showing posts from August, 2019


I don't get near enough time to indulge in one of my favorite past times, photography. I'm blaming it on available time but, really it is mostly due to gumption. After a life time of go, go, go who would have thought my get up and go would be get up and gone!? or so it seems a lot of the time. When I do make the effort it relaxes me, soothes my soul and brings me a lot of happiness. It also teaches me patience! Yesterday I made the long trek from Pennsylvania to Maine. As I crossed the bridge onto the Island in the evening hours and waning light I  said a little prayer thanking God for traveling mercies that day. Surprisingly it was an easy driving day. Especially since I suffer from insomnia and slept only a few hours before I arose befuddled wondering how I was going to drive for 12 hours. As it was, I forgot a major piece of my luggage!  I didn't make my usual stop at my brother's in southern Maine. My sister-in-law was in the hospital undergoing y


Today I have much to be thankful for. I woke up with no wheezing, coughing or burning in my chest. I feel sooo much better than I have in the past 2 months. I still have some symptoms but I feel so encouraged for the first time since I was put on medication almost a month ago now. So, it's onward and upward! It's a beautiful day also. No humidity with temps in the 80's. The dogs and I have been out and about on our  small plot of land. Speaking of dogs, Lucy has her stitches out today from her surgery 14 days ago. Happy day for us all. I do have photos to share from this past week.  First of all the pups, Lucy and Dolly recovering from their ordeals. Dolly had her teeth cleaned and while under sedation they pulled 7 more of her teeth, poor baby. This is the 3rd time she's had to have teeth pulled. We adopted her about 4 years ago now. She was already 10 years old then. She's not a young thing but she doesn't know it, lol.  While I was in M


SUMMER IS ON IT'S WAY OUT Sad to say, I am looking forward to September! The heat and humidity in Pennsylvania is unbearable day after day. I am a Spring and Fall person  I guess. Being a Mainer at heart I enjoy the ocean in Summer, well, truth be told, I love the ocean no matter what season it is! Oh, so beautiful and POWERFUL! I took this picture at Acadia National Park in Bar Harbor a couple of Summers ago when Judi and Josh visited me on the Island. Bar Harbor is less then 50 miles from there. I love the raw power of Mother Nature when it is manifested in a good stiff breeze and the tide coming in! Or, how about this one of "Thunder Hole"?  I guess I should include a photo of Josh and Judi too...💖  Judi is a beach walker and an ocean gazer while Josh is an explorer and loves to climb. Meanwhile, back at the ranch... I am still fighting the bronchitis I came home with and am on my second round of antibiotics. I will tell it to you stra