S ince I last wrote a lot has been happening on my patch. More color, warmer temperatures, house news, and a grandson graduating from high school. We haven’t seen summer high humidity yet and I am very thankful for that. I get very depressed when it’s beautiful outside but too awful to go out. Heart issues. I am thankful that we have actually had a lovely Spring and early summer. The house news is that the house in Maine has been sold. In fact, it sold the same day it was listed! The house listing included 12 acres of land and an ocean view but the access we had to the shore was not allowed to be included. If my parents had sold it, it would have passed on to the new owners. I feel bad for the new owners because there’s a no trespassing sign put up by the owners of property that once belonged to my grandmother. A glitch in the acquisition laws. My parents had right of way as did I but when it left the family the right of way clause was withdrawn. So, I had to come dow...