An opening in the clouds! 40 DAYS OF LENT AND BEYOND HI! I hope you are well and reasonably content in yourself, your home and with those people around you. Today's post is going to be all about reflection I think. I am making this up, lol, that is to say, my thoughts are just popping out of my head as I go along. So, if you are not up for dealing with thinking in sound bites, and me talking about what I believe as a Christian, I understand and hope you will check in with me next time around.💖 As a CHRISTIAN I can't help but become meditative in the days leading up to the crucifixion. And, as I age I have had to endure the heart wrenching sadness of being separated from loved ones through death. I am not the only one! I know that. But, I have reached a point where I am wondering if there's more to my storyline that hasn't been discussed yet. Have I allowed myself to be known-all the way through? Nothing to hide from, in ourselves, from ourselves...or from God? Some m...