Happy Sunday! Today, this day, that the Lord has made, I choose to forget the chaos our world is in and concentrate on MY ordinary world and what I'm thankful for. Weather wise it is not a good day. It rained last night and it's overcast but rain is good! So, let's get beyond all that and reach into our minds, or our computers, for something pretty. There's so much for us to be thankful for! When I was growing up we always ate as a family what we called " supper ". As children we were taught to say a "blessing": Thank you for the world so sweet, thank you for food we eat, thank you for the birds that sing, Thank you God for everything. Amen Sadly, nowadays there's a lot less of a family eating at the dinner table together let alone thanking God for what's on it. I think that when we have a thankful and grateful heart it's easier to cope with what life throws at us. Being ...