Good morning dear friends! And it is a beautiful day here on the coast of Maine. The temperatures are comfortable with the occasional hot and humid day and the ocean view out my window 🪟 is calming. I love seeing the assortment of boats bobbing at their moorings. It is “high Summer” on the Island and there are people everywhere enjoying their vacations and soaking in the ambience of Deer Isle. Well, yes, I know I have been missing in action for awhile. I last wrote to you right after my mother had died. It was a truly hard time for me but she was 94 years old and ready to go. In the beginning I missed her so much and found myself talking to her in heaven, lol. Things like…”what ya doing up there, Mom, say hi to Dad, Thomas, Grammy and Grandpa.” As the days went by I adjusted to the fact that she was in a different dimension and I was stuck down here on earth. A place that has become very scary and insecure lately. It was made more depressing though a...