Honoring and remembering Hello dear ones! I hope you are all doing fine out there in bloggy land!💖 And thank you for reading and commenting. I truly do appreciate you all. I read your blogs and comment also but, strangely, I feel quite tongue-tied most of the time when doing so and admire those of you who can express yourselves so much better. The heart is overflowing but the brain is reticent. I have been so busy lately that I have surprised myself. For weeks I have been struggling with low level depression and apathy. I have been in Maine too long. I need to go home but, of course, I am needed here. I sometimes wish I had a sister to share Mom's care with. I love her to bits but she has an irrational fear of leaving this island and this house and strangers taking care of her and a long list of other anxieties. I have tried to self help by forcing myself out of my normal routine. I took up a new hobby and I forced myself, quite against my will, to finish some crochet proj...