Hello everyone! It's a cold but sunny day here, temps in single digits. 8:45 AM. Tomorrow I dig out of hibernation to visit my orthopedic doctor for an injection in my knee. I had my last one about a year ago and it's time. THOUGHTS I read an interesting blog post this morning from THE LOW CARB DIABETIC about getting enough vitamin D in winter. Funnily, (I think I just made that word up), I haven't thought much about it. We have a cupboard full of vitamins. Roger is a collector. Especially if there's a 2 for 1 sale going on at the pharmacy. I take an individual packet of 5 vitamins everyday if I think about it. My daughter sent me a parcel of get well goodies when I was sick and a box of vitamins in packets was included. Remembering is the problem. So I have a candy dish filled with them on my hobby table beside my comfy chair in the living room. I labeled my post "Pie in the sky" because another blogger who is struggling with heart issues talked about