Hello bloggy friends! This week I feel like concentrating on how grateful I am for cooler temperatures and lovely weather. I am content here at home in Bethlehem despite what is going on in in our weary country. The new normal isn't normal at all, is it? I read today that according to the CDC, the majority of new virus cases is among young people. I worry about my two granddaughters on college campuses. We are all worried about something. Praying about something that is on our minds or hardships we are experiencing. Happiness and contentment are relative to what we are going through right now. Or is it? Is it possible to feel that despite our losses we are winners? Yes, I do believe that. MY EXPERIENCES But to get back to finding contentment and happiness in everyday living. Someone said happiness isn't a destination, it's a habit. We have to work at it. Having said that, here is a little illustration. Yesterday was just one of many really awesome weather days w