Hello dear bloggy friends! I hope you are well. It's another beautiful day here. It's been awhile since I last popped in to chat with you all. I thank you for your condolences regarding the death of my dear mother. So kind and heart warming of you to reach out to me at this difficult time and I do so appreciate it. I have been reading your lovely blogs and they add sunshine to my days. However, in some cases, I am experiencing the same old problem of being unable to post comments on your blogs. It’s frustrating but please know that I do read and enjoy your bloggy friendship.❤️ I am trying to work my way through the process of settling the estate. I sometimes wish I could speed it all up so I can head home to Pennsylvania, but in the meantime I am sorting and weeding out, tossing and cleaning through many years of life accumulation here at the homestead. My mother was a saver of everything, even if it was broken in some cases, and what to do with it all is now left up to me....