Hello dear bloggy friends.  Overcast today, expecting rain. Yesterday our temps reached 72 degrees! I'm happy to report that we have yellows and whites blooming. Lots of forsythia AND dandelions.

Truth be known, I am lacking in motivation. I am feeling very blah. Not feeling very well to be honest. There are jobs outside that need doing but I  appear to be apathetic about everything. I have felt like this before.  I am getting very homesick.  Mom goes to see her doctor tomorrow. She hasn't budged from the house in 7 months. I hope he will tell her to get vaccinated. There is a clinic in Ellsworth so he will probably tell me to schedule there and she will refuse. If he would do the deed there in his office I know she would agree. 
And then on the 18th she has an appointment with her eye doctor. Maybe by the middle of June I will be home. I hope so. πŸ’›


I did sit and finish a wip that's been in my crochet basket forever. The wall hanging I did some years ago, in my quilting days. 


And I took a few pictures of my two doilies that need blocking. When that will happen who knows. My blocking mats are at home in Bethlehem so I am using that as an excuse but I have about 6 in a pile at home waiting. I enjoy making them but I seldom use them. My daughter-in-law is the only family member who is old fashioned enough to use them, besides me, and through the years I have made dozens. I can't help it, doilies and blankets.  (The colors came out much darker than they are.)

If I ever get them blocked they will have this shape...


Look Who Dropped By...

So, the other evening I was talking to my daughter on the phone in the kitchen and I glanced out the window and this is what I saw...he or she was eating black oil sunflower seeds on the ground under the tree. When he looked up and saw me he turned and disappeared.



Pretty Birds Are Arriving!


And there you have it!
Take good care of yourselves, 



My brother, Richard in California,  sent Mom a dozen red roses for her birthday. Sadly, they are fading but she fusses over them every day. Maybe I will have more send to her for Mother's Day.❤


  1. Beautiful photos. You are quite talented with the crocheted doilies. I used to crochet but haven't picked up a crochet hook in years due to my eyesight isn't good as it used to be.

  2. Beautiful photos! You inspired me to get a birdfeeder! I love watching them visit. I am never quick enough to get a picture, though! That coyote looked scary! We used to hear them behind our house when we lived in the woods. Have a cozy evening, my friend.

  3. The coyotes outside would be scary to me. Great photo as are they all.

    I hope you can return home soon. It would help lift your spirits I bet.

    Take care, Susan.

  4. Your doilies are just beautiful! Sure hope your Mom gets her to the Dr. I bet you are getting homesick! Have you arranged help for the summer? Hope it all works out:) I am envious of your Cardinals!! Our Goldfinches just came yesterday :)

  5. I makes no sense to me that doctors have not been able to give COVID vaccines. I think there's a huge opportunity lost there - and for what purpose, I wonder. I hope your mother will agree to getting it - for her own health, and for your peace of mind. Lovely doilies, Susan! Having discovered doily making in recent years, I don't consider them old-fashioned any more. With all the gorgeous colors available, they are new again. I do think most people think "old fashioned" when they hear the word, and don't necessarily consider how they can be used. I like using them in vignettes, or placing one on a shelf with it partly hanging over the edge. Though admittedly, for the last half year I've barely dusted, let alone decorated - being a bit overwhelmed with life, and under-interested in such things. Hopefully, that will turn around for me soon. Your bird pictures are amazing! :)

  6. I hope your Mom can be persuaded to be vaccinated. Our doctor's surgeries here in the UK do give the jabs and they are given by trained nurses. It's reassuring to have been given the protection. Your doilies are beautiful. you are very talented. Love your photos of the birds and coyote. I do hope you feel better soon.

  7. ooooh i know the feeling, i am usually fine in spring, hopeful and enjoying the weather. i think you are probably just longing to be home!! your doilies are really beautiful, either way...they could be framed and hung for those who will not use them. pretty birds, you are getting great pictures, i need to spend more time with mine!!

  8. There is so much here that I like...I do not know where to begin. I love the doilies...and the finished crochet in front of the quilty wall hanging. It is just beautiful, too. Love seeing all your critters and wish I could have some without the starlings flocking in so bad.

    I hope your mom will consent for the shot...till you won't have that worry. I sure understand your starting to be homesick. I hope warmer days makes the time go faster.

  9. Sorry to hear you are feeling down, but we all have times like that.You do have very pretty birds around.

  10. I hope your mom can get her vaccination, we have centres here which give them but they also have clinics at the doctor's surgeries, which is where I had mine. Your doilies are beautiful.

  11. I am so sorry you are so far from home, I hope all goes well with your Mothers appointments.
    Your doilies are beautiful.
    I love the quilt, it is lovely.
    The roses are beautiful.
    The mother Cardinal feeding its baby is so cute.


  12. I have a crocheted blanket I made that looks quite similar to the one you finished making! I made it with leftover yarn from my stash! Love your doilies, too. Very intricate work!

  13. Lovely blog post Susan. Thank you for the visit to mine! Your doilies are just gorgeous! I too love to make "doilies" though they can be big or small.. I make many for coasters under my tea, have given many as gifts and the recipients seem to love and use them! I like to make large ones as a centerpiece for the table, to use under a vase of flowers. Would LOVE that pattern if you are so inclined to post it or email it to me. My email is All of your birds visiting are so pretty. I bet they are fun to watch! I'll spend some time exploring your blog! Marilyn (Oregon)

    1. Hi and thank you for stopping by! The pattern is called Rozita and it is by Elena Bojkova. You can find it on Ravelry. πŸ’–

    2. Thank you Susan! I'll go check it out! Marilyn

  14. I can certainly understand how you may be feeling "blah" as you put it Susan. It has to be hard being away from your home and Roger for so many months, even with technology keeping families closer. We still miss seeing them up close and personal. Hopefully, your mother will be persuaded to get the vaccine (perhaps you could have a word in private with her doctor) and yes it would be great IF it could be given in his office. The animal and bird captures were great to see and glad the flowers have bloomed in time for Mather's Day and a good one to you as well.

  15. I hope your mom can get her vaccination.

    Your photographs are lovely the birds so colourful.

    All the best Jan

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