Hello everyone! It's a cold but sunny day here, temps in single digits. 8:45 AM. Tomorrow I dig out of hibernation to visit my orthopedic doctor for an injection in my knee. I had my last one about a year ago and it's time. 


 I read an interesting blog post this morning from THE LOW CARB DIABETIC about getting enough vitamin D in winter. Funnily, (I think I just made that word up), I haven't thought much about it.  We have a cupboard full of vitamins. Roger is a collector.  Especially if there's a 2 for 1 sale going on at the pharmacy.  I take an individual packet of 5 vitamins everyday if I think about it. My daughter sent me a parcel of get well goodies when I was sick and a box of vitamins in packets was included. Remembering is the problem. So I have a candy dish filled with them on my hobby table beside my comfy chair in the living room.

I labeled my post "Pie in the sky" because another blogger who is struggling with  heart issues talked about aging and what it is we want out of life. She is waiting for a procedure to be done regarding her A Fib. An ablation I think it is called. Anyway, it struck me that aren't we all in some way or other "waiting" for the next hurdle to appear on our horizon? Or coping with whatever it is we're involved with now? After the last 2 years there can't be many of us left thinking that all must be right with our world in order for us to be happy. She is coping by drawing houses. Pages and pages of similar looking houses. She can never seem to get them right, the fictional village of houses. Night after night she can't seem to stop drawing houses. She calls it weird but I say it is the new normal.
 It's not all that different than me trying to teach myself a new way of knitting. Row upon row of knitting and purling.  Cooped up in the house, worried about staying well I am one of those people who need to have something new to occupy my time. Last winter at Mom's I taught myself to punch/hook pictures with yarn. I spent a small fortune on supplies and different size frames but in the end my back issues became  exacerbated with the position I needed to do it. I returned to reading. 

That caused another problem, snacking. I am overweight and becoming more so. If my hands aren't busy, I am thinking about what I can snack on. My maiden name is Eaton and I live up to that name every day. 🙃😞😏 BUT, I am not unhappy. Yes, I am flawed. Even a little weird, maybe. But, a realist, certainly. This is the life we are living and we had better make the most of it according to the best of our abilities or lack thereof! It does no good to wish for what we had. That was yesterday and gone gone gone and after the past few months I am glad glad glad.🤗Let's appreciate every day to it's fullest, even when things aren't so ducky. So, tomorrow I am marching full steam ahead into my orthos office and turning a deaf ear to the lecture on weight gain.🙄

Would you like to see a few scenes I took during January last year? I must say, I do miss the Island...and Mom. Every night I ask God to say "Hi" for me.❤ 

Much love and peace is wished for you💕



  1. Hello! What a thought provoking post today, my friend. I so agree with you. My hibernation hobby is reading. I have always wanted to learn to knit or crochet, but never really committed to learning. Perhaps now is a good time. Thanks for the lovely thoughts on a cold and snowy Monday!

  2. Really enjoyed your post. The photos are lovely

  3. I can only imagine how much you miss your mother. I remember the lonely days after mom died. It’s fourteen years and still, I think of her every day.

    Take care!

  4. Beautiful photos and a thought provoking blog post today. We're all flawed in some way so don't worry. I hope your doctor's appointment goes well.

  5. Sure hope your appointment makes you all better again.
    Loved your pictures. What great shots. It is so cool how the deer are looking back at you and Cardinals are always stunning in the snow.

  6. Love the turkeys and Mr. and Mrs. Duck, and the Fitzgerald poem: I needed that. Stay warm, walk safely. Linda in Kansas

  7. Thank you for sharing this. I think we are all working out what the new normal is. I'm working on the mantra 'I can't start earlier than now' and it is getting me going with all sorts (though not necessarily keeping me going). Good luck with the doctor!

  8. Oh, I could almost have written this...even after all this time, I still have so much patience to learn. I try to be thankful things are as good as they are. But seems like I cannot keep things done. And I am very thankful that we don't have two or three appts every week.

    I am packing on the weight this winter. Like you, I tend to snack if I am not doing anything. And I have been being so tired I don't feel like doing anything. Actually past week, maybe 10 days, I just have not felt good at all. Too tired at night to even start a jigsaw puzzle and that after wanting to start one right after the tree was down.

    I have been fighting the urge to get a rigid heddle loom...but I do not need anything else to just sit there and make me feel guilty for not using it. I really could write a book with this reply but I will stop now.

  9. Life has been turned upside down over the last couple of years and we just have to get on with things in the new 'normal'. Wonderful photos, I can imagine how much you miss the island, it's beautiful there, and missing your mom too, I know what that's like losing both my parents over the last couple of years.

  10. I think that the past two years have had us locked up afraid to even talk face to face with our family members, it's the news that seems to have some of us going crazy, what do we believe now day by day about the covid!! it's a crazy day and time.
    We are vitamin and mineral takers; they do work for us.
    I am also overweight but love my chocolate, I am now limiting myself.
    Your photos are lovely, it's amazing how animals are able to handle walking in the snow.

    Stay warm and healthy

  11. Once again, your nature photos are just lovely.

  12. I can so relate to your post today. Made me feel better reading it. January and February have always been the hardest months for me to get through. I don't like to feel down and unhappy. Since my accident and broken arm I have had so many aches and pains and sleepless nights. Just found out it's arthritis in my neck and a pinched nerve. Why is it so comforting to eat! I'm sitting here with a bowl of mixed salted nuts! :( Your pictures from last January are simply beautiful. Need to go back and read your post again. Thank you!

  13. nature is so beautiful, isn't she?? your pictures from moms place are so pretty. i'm sure you miss your mom...loosing a parent is so difficult!!

    i read the same blog and read the one about vitamin D!!

  14. You are so right in saying life has changed for everyone the past couple of years. There's no denying (or arguing) about it. We did manage a few day trips in and around New England last fall (seems like so long ago). Then at the holidays we were on the road visiting family in 3 states (everyone had their shots, thankfully, as did we for many months prior). I have been doing more reading and home cooking and Grenville has his ham radio past time. Even though we live in an apt vs. a home we can manage to do our own thing for hours on end. I haven't lost weight, but not gained because there's an in-house gym here and I've been going faithfully nearly every day. It gives me a change to watch a few streaming shows and not feel bad about sitting around and doing that, so I figure it's a win-win scenario.

    I enjoyed your photos from the island and can understand your sorrow about your mom's passing, y own passed 6 years ago this past Dec and there is no time limit on remembering and missing.

  15. My daughter has that quote up in the kitchen! My hibernation activity is mosaic crochet:)

  16. Yes as well as the post on the low carb diabetic blog, Vitamin D has been in the news recently ...
    I enjoyed seeing your photographs.
    Take care and I hope your appointment goes well.

    All the best Jan


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