Hello lovely people! I hope you are well and full of good cheer! Winter is here for sure. I think we are in for a difficult season this time around. So far we have had very cold temps as well as rain turning to snow. I have been spending my time going to physical therapy. In the beginning it was hell but I am now feeling the benefits in my back and hips. I am still enjoying my knitting and have quite a collection of circular knitting needles. Right. Now I am knitting shawls and fingerless gloves. I am posting a mishmash of photos that I hope you will enjoy. The first few are of Lubec, a small coastal town about 2 hours from Bar Harbor. This next photo was taken early in the morning and is hoar frost in the shape of a flower…`how pretty is that! And then I came across these pretty flowers covered in icy snow. Wowy ❣️ Gratitude Journal I have decided to add a new segment to my blog. 1. My iPhone camera 2. Family. We got together with daughter,...