Hello lovely people!
I hope you are well and full of good cheer!

Winter is here for sure. I think we are in for a difficult season this time around. So far we have had very cold temps as well as rain turning to snow. I have been spending my time going to physical therapy. In the beginning it was hell but I am now feeling the benefits in my back and hips. I am still enjoying my knitting and have quite a collection of circular knitting needles. Right. Now I am knitting shawls and fingerless gloves.    
I am posting a mishmash of photos that I hope you will enjoy. The first few are of Lubec, a small coastal town about 2 hours from Bar Harbor. 
This next photo was taken early in the morning and is hoar frost in the shape of a flower…`how pretty is that! 
And then I came across these pretty flowers covered in icy snow. Wowy ❣️

Gratitude Journal

I have decided to add a new segment to my blog.

1. My iPhone camera
2. Family.  
We got together with daughter, Judi, son in love, Erick, and grandsons to celebrate youngest grandchild, Joshua’s 15th birthday. We ate at a Japanese Steakhouse and then came back to our house for cake and gifts.

I have only decorated the living room dining room and half the tree. I have yet to wrap gifts. 

Video of the month:
A Christmas Carol

And there you have it, 
It’s Sunday today, the Sunday before Christmas.

May your days be merry and bright.


  1. Such beautiful photos of Maine! Happy 15 th to your grandson! You’ll have a busy week by the sound of it.

  2. Enjoyed this post with all the beautiful scenics and wintry pics and the frost does look like a flower. Thanks for sharing your grandson's birthday and the house photos as well.

  3. Lovely to see the photographs on your post here.
    Happy birthday wishes for your Grandson.

    Sending my good wishes for Christmas.

    All the best Jan

  4. I love your Christmas decorations. And those pictures of ice flowers! And ice with flowers! :) And the pictures of boats floating on the fog-covered water are beautiful and serene looking. Thank you for sharing them all, Susan.


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