An opening in the clouds!


HI! I hope you are well and reasonably content in yourself, your home and with those people around you. Today's post is going to be all about reflection I think. I am making this up, lol, that is to say, my thoughts are just popping out of my head as I go along. So, if you are not up for dealing with thinking in sound bites, and me talking about what I believe as a Christian, I understand and hope you will check in with me next time around.💖

As a CHRISTIAN I can't help but become meditative in the days leading up to the crucifixion. And, as I age I have had to endure the heart wrenching sadness of being separated from loved ones through death. I am not the only one! I know that. But, I have reached a point where I am wondering if there's more to my storyline that hasn't been discussed yet. Have I allowed myself to be known-all the way through? Nothing to hide from, in ourselves, from ourselves...or from God?  Some might call it Reflection.  And a desire to please God. Someone said, "God, give me the desire to desire what you want me to desire." 

You might think, Wow, she is deep into the God thing. Religious stuff. I'm not. I freely admit I am a child of His. He loves me. He sent His son and allowed terrible people to kill Him horribly. He offered Jesus up as a one time sacrifice so that those of us who believe would be assured of a place in heaven. I hang onto this belief as my lifeline to having a spiritual life after death. Happiness is... meeting again those lovely people I have mourned. No,  I am not a religious fanatic. Yes, my belief is all tied up in my Faith.   And I hope that before I die I will not have to become a martyr to my beliefs as those in other countries around the world do every day.

We had snow last week.💖

However! I can't just believe and leave it there. Done and dusted. I desire in my heart of hearts  to have an open line of communication and that's where prayer comes in. Just like reading a good book I want to keep reading the next book by the same author.  I want to keep my line of communication with God free and clear and i want to talk about the  unmentionables. If there's a body in my attic I want to find it!

❤Buddy came to live with us a year ago. He is loved by all!❤

So, today I am thinking about what I haven't yet disclosed. My memories seem to be fading. They truly are in the distant past.😏 But, every so often one will pop into my mind and I love when that happens... most of the time.  And there are others that actually make me cringe.  Digging through the file cabinets of my mind can be happy recollections or down right depressing. It leads me to that place of self examination. Self disclosure. To myself and to God. 

You might ask what is it you are trying to say?? One word would cover it. SELF REFLECTION. Well, for me and for most of us we live one day after the next, with good intentions...or are they?  We don't think too much about our yesterdays or our ultimate destination. But we are, in our own personal ways, on a jaunt or a journey. To a place called HAPPINESS in a town called NO REGRETS. 🤗 I need to have an open line with that Savior who died for me on that Cross. Some days I don't have much to say, I'm just not in the mood. But other days, like today I just can't stop talking. 

And there you have it, 

That's me for today.


Have you ever seen a goose on a roof?

💕I love the promise in these words. 💕


  1. An amazingly beautiful post, this is the season of reflection, if only more people would believe in the truth, the truth that God is real, Jesus died for our sins, what an amazing man to offer up a loss of life, from the hands of some very bad people, to this day I wonder how many found his trust after crucifying him.
    Spring is a season of renewal, I pray that many people come back to God with their whole Heart.
    As for being deep into God that is a personal choice which I believe in,
    thank-you for sharing the sweet photo of your baby and the beautiful bird photos, there is three plus feet of snow on the ground here in mid Minnesota with more coming.

    Happy Blessed Easter

  2. Lent is certainly the time for reflection, Susan, and thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. Also, thanks for sharing the beauty of God's creations in all those cardinal sightings which brought back memories of living in VA and seeing so many red male cardinals on snow-covered crepe myrtle trees.

  3. A lovely post ...

    And no, I don't think I have ever seen a goose on a roof!

    God bless.

    All the best Jan

  4. As we get older I think we reflect more on the past, not necessarily a good thing , but it is human nature. Any sins committed Christ covered with his blood so we should leave it in the past and concentrate on today! :)


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