Since I last wrote a lot has been happening on my patch. More color, warmer temperatures, house news, and a grandson graduating from high school. 

We haven’t seen summer high humidity yet and I am very thankful for that. I get very depressed when it’s beautiful outside but too awful to go out. Heart issues. I am thankful that we have actually had a lovely Spring and early summer. 

The house news is that the house in Maine has been sold. In fact, it sold the same day it was listed! The house listing included 12 acres of land and an ocean view but the access we had to the shore was not allowed to be included. If my parents had sold it, it would have passed on to the new owners. I feel bad for the new owners because there’s a no trespassing sign put up by the owners of property that once belonged to my grandmother. A glitch in the acquisition laws. My parents had right of way as did I but when it left the family the right of way clause was withdrawn. So, I had to come down in price.

Despite the bittersweet emotions of cutting my ties with the Island I have to say I am relieved to not have the responsibility of a property so far away. Roger, my son-in-law, Erick and my grandson are in Maine as I speak with a Uhaul truck bringing home all those possessions I could not part with. The new owners said that we could leave the furniture but didn’t want to pay for it so, since I bought most of it not that long ago we desired to pay the $700 and bring it back here to Pennsylvania. My only living sibling lives in California but he has his own paintings and whatnot there that he wanted put in a storage facility that he has on the Island. Roger and crew are not happy since the woman running it couldn’t open it for them until today, the day they were supposed to be heading back to PA, which means keeping the truck an extra day. Not only that but the weather has become most miserable today with wind and rain. This too shall pass.🙂

I have to say I will be glad when he arrives back home again. 🤗

Now. I have a question for you…can you tell me what or who is the star of this next photo?

And there you have it. I hope you are all well and finding some happiness!



  1. I'm happy for you that you sold the house, bittersweet though. Take care x

  2. I can understand mixed emotions about selling the family home in Maine. I hope all goes well with the return of your family from Maine in the miserable weather.

    Take care!

  3. oh wow on the sale of the house. Such memories, smiles. Wishing you a beautiful week ahead.

  4. Thanks, Susan, for the update on the sale of your mother's home on the Maine coast. It was no surprise to read how quickly it found new owners. There are always emotions about the sale of a family home as it was with my own. I hope that your family members make it safely back to PA and you will surely be kept busy sorting through everything that is coming back.

    Also, glad to read that you have warmer temps, more color and a new graduate. It must be nice to see the deer in your backyard, but hope they do not munch on the plants.

  5. Pleased to read that you sold the house, hope your family members get back safely.
    I did enjoy seeing your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  6. One chapter ends and another begins, your flowers are so pretty!

  7. Hello: I know how hard it is to remove items from a home, my Mother passed and I had to clean everything out a very big chore, thankfully she was not a hoarder just a simple living home.
    I hope all turns out in your favor with the furniture.
    I love all your very beautiful photos, the deer and owl feeder are a hoot.
    Love the owl in the tree.


  8. Glad your house in Maine sold so quickly. My neighbor's daughter is in the process of cleaning out her mom's house and putting it up for sale. I just hope that I get good neighbors.

  9. Oh my that is an adorable owl! Good photo!
    Congratulations on the first day sale! That is amazing.


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