Hi there! So happy you could stop by! There's been a lot going on here at Mom's. I had expected to be back in Bethlehem by now but, alas, it was not to be. Her retina specialist needed to see her again for another injection so I extended my time on the Island. And it's a good thing I did because of several other unexpected happenings... A really tragic accident caused the Island to lose power... and the generator didn't kick in. Oh, woe is me, no game shows for Mom! So I had to call our electrician to come to service it twice before it was working properly, a new battery was needed in the end. Then the heating and plumbing guys came to clean the furnace which was great BUT we didn't realize until it got really cold that even though the furnace was running it wasn't blowing out any warm air! (our nights are getting COLD) in half of the house. I was the one that picked up on it, brrrr. I awoke freezing, put on my flannel pjs and added a couple more bla...