It's time to be thinking about cold weather. Yesterday as I drove here and there trying to find the essence of Fall, the sky was ominous. Pumpkin Island lighthouse had a dark cloud hanging over it and it portrayed what was in my heart. Too soon our pretties will be no more and dismal's frowning face will be at our door. Right now we are feeling a  refreshing coolness in the air and, being the odd person I am, I still dress like it's Summer. But soon even I will no longer  don short sleeves and my sandals. The nights here on the Island are chilly, just the way I like it but Mom has the old oil furnace cranked up to an uncomfortable temperature so I am still sleeping with the window open. She's always "freezing" and I am complaining about how warm the house is by saying every half hour, "phew, it's hot in here". 

About a week ago while in Stonington, that fishing village at the tip of the Island, I drove down Indian Point Road to see what was happening at Ames pond. I was too late for the lilies...don't know why I didn't visit sooner! However, I did spot a few...one being close enough to photograph.

There were a few others visiting besides me.

Across the road from the pond is the Ames family cemetery...the parents, Thomas and Patience, and their children. I am not sure but it appears that the family began and ended with Thomas and Patience.  

Indian Point road is rather interesting...how about this mailbox?

This pier? doesn't look very safe!

Notice all the pick up trucks at this lobster wholesaler wharf, Most fishermen drive pickups.

Year round resident has great ocean views.

This lobster boat looks like it is 'parked' in front of the little island. I wonder if they live on it or are just visiting...picnicing?

On my way back up the Island to Little Deer Isle I stopped to take a few pictures. How would you like to have this view from your back yard?

In the background is a small causeway that crosses the very small Mill dam. Off to the right is a cormorant sunning on a rock in the pond. The 'pond' flows through the dam and into the ocean.

Continuing up the Island...traffic was busy on the Eggomoggin Reach

And, then, I was back at Mom's again. All pictures taken with my little canon pocket camera and unedited.

Have a wonderful day! 

I will be traveling back to PA next week, can't wait to see family and fur babies!


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