"For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the spirit." 1 Peter 1:18 ❤Hello dear bloggy friends! I hope you are well and reasonably content.❤ I haven’t left the house since I last posted other than to feed the birds and the deer. I am still battling red squirrels. I have a carpenter coming to check around and do some work upstairs. Looking back through my photos to see what I haven't posted lately I came up with these: I find that I have more birds at my feeders now that Spring is here. Mr and Mrs Hairy woodpecker being new arrivals. The Juncoes have pretty much disappeared and the red winged blackbirds are here but I haven’t been able to capture them. I am happy to report that I finally finished my two doilies (they need to be blocked) and have moved on to a wip: a blanket of many colors needing the strings on the ends of the rows woven in. A job I dislike. After t...