"For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the spirit."

1 Peter 1:18

❤Hello dear bloggy friends! I hope you are well and reasonably content.❤

I haven’t left the house since I last posted other than to feed the birds and the deer. I am still battling red squirrels. I have a carpenter coming to check around and do some work upstairs. 

 Looking back through my photos to see what I haven't posted lately I came up with these:

I find that I have more birds at my feeders now that Spring is here. Mr and Mrs Hairy woodpecker being new arrivals. The Juncoes have pretty much disappeared and the red winged blackbirds are here but I haven’t been able to capture them.

I am happy to report that I finally finished my two doilies (they need to be blocked) and have moved on to a wip: a blanket of many colors needing the strings on the ends of the rows woven in. A job I dislike. After that I will put a border on it and move onto another work in progress needing the same.  Hopefully I will have pictures to show soon. 

Mom seems to be doing very well. She hasn't mentioned wanting to join Dad in heaven lately. We have just watched our hundredth episode of ALL IN THE FAMILY with Archie and Edith Bunker keeping us laughing. We will soon be at the end of the series and I am not looking forward to that because I know that will be a bit of a let down, especially for Mom😔 I guess I should be looking for another comedy series to order online sooner rather than later.

I am starting on a pair of slippers for Mom. Here is a picture of the pattern: 

Tomorrow I must head down the Island to pick up food items for Easter. We will be having ham. I think I will make a fruit cocktail cake for dessert. I don't do much baking these days.
Last Sunday our local takeout spot opened for the season early. They specialize in fresh seafood. It is super expensive but I didn't mind splurging on a mixed seafood platter that Mom and I shared: shrimp,  clams, scallops, haddock. French fries and Cole slaw. ($40) It was heaping and delicious! 

Have a Blessed Easter!

And there you have it!
Take good care of yourselves,


  1. Happy Blessed Easter: We put 10 foot poles in the ground to keep the critters from taking the bird food, all the squirrels from eating the food from the bird seed feeders, we use a pole with a hook to take the feeders down and refill them, now we have no squirrels they moved on.
    Lovely stockings.
    Thank-you for sharing the outdoor photos.


  2. Yes it is a wonderous thing not to have to worry as Christ did all things for us on the Cross. Happy Easter on Sunday.

  3. Wishing you a wonderful Easter.He is Risen!

  4. I have tried feeding the birds in my little garden but I think my 5 cats put them off.
    Those boots look cosy.

  5. Lovely bird photos. I hope your carpenter can discover where the squirrels are getting in. Wishing you a very Happy Easter.

  6. Lovely photos! I put a feeder out for the first time, and am enjoying the tiny little birdies visiting. I am not super knowledgeable about birds, but am hopeful I can learn!SO glad your mom is doing well. Maybe look into The Jeffersons to watch next? My dad LOVED that show, and I remember it being really funny! Have a happy and blessed Easter!

  7. Susan, I am wishing you and your mom a blessed and very Happy Easter because as dreary as things can seem some days, like the rain today, there is SO much to be thankful for as we all know. And hope those snow pics are in the past with warmer weather soon.

  8. Great photos of the animals. Good luck with the squirrels. I hope this man can help you.

    Happy Easter!

  9. Thank you for sharing these lovely photographs.
    Happy Easter Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  10. Yes, I believe!

    I do hope the carpenter can find a solution to the squirrel problem.

    It is wonderful that you are getting some projects finished...

  11. Happy Easter to you and yours.

  12. the birds and ducks are beautiful, i see most of the same!!

    1. i was not done typing and somehow i hit publish!! the slippers look like a nice project, my knitting projects have not been going well - i think i am in over my head!! we have a seafood restaurant that i feel the same way about. but the food is always awesome. we get take-out and go to the inlet (a few minutes away) and enjoy it there. the car dates may be the best part of it!!!


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