Hello dear bloggy friends! I hope you are well. It's another beautiful day here. It's been awhile since I last popped in to chat with you all. I thank you for your condolences regarding the death of my dear mother. So kind and heart warming of you to reach out to me at this difficult time and I do so appreciate it. I have been reading your lovely blogs and they add sunshine to my days. However, in some cases, I am experiencing the same old problem of being unable to post comments on your blogs. It’s frustrating but please know that I do read and enjoy your bloggy friendship.❤️

I am trying to work my way through the process of settling the estate. I sometimes wish I could speed it all up so I can head home to Pennsylvania, but  in the meantime I am sorting and weeding out, tossing and cleaning through many years of life accumulation here at the homestead. My mother was a saver of everything, even if it was broken in some cases, and what to do with it all is now left up to me. I am taking my time and as the days pass the process becomes less arduous.

One day last week I had to do an errand in Blue Hill. It being a nice day, especially from the inside of my air conditioned vehicle, I decided to take a drive to see where it would take me. I ended up in the little seaside village called Winter Harbor and the Schoodic district of Acadia National Park.  Looking across Frenchman's bay I could see the famous  Cadillac Mountain that is a main feature when visiting Acadia on Mount Desert Island. This section of the Park is very small. There are hiking trails and a loop to drive around the Schoodic Point. Lots of granite and sea spray. Stormy days are impressive here! On the day I visited all was sunny and quiet. In fact the temps were in the low 90’s and hazy with the heat. First I walked around the tiny village of  Winter Harbor, bought a bird feeder in one of the gift shops and tried to have some lunch but the one restaurant opened for business on that weekday was short on help with a long line of people waiting to be seated. So, I went on my way to Schoodic point before leaving to head back home. I arrived back  5 hours from the time I had left it, hungry and tired, but with far less of the anxiety I had been carrying. I enjoyed my little detour. I hope you like the photos I took. 


And there you have it1
Much love to you all!


  1. Beautiful photos Susan. I can well understand the task you have in sorting and clearing your Mom's home, it's a difficult job. Sending my love and a hug for you x

  2. What lovely photos and amazing views - good to see somewhere I will never get to see for real. Much sympathy for the clearing. We found broken kettles and toasters when we cleared my Dads house and boxes full of all sorts that could have been thrown years before. Hope you get it sorted so you can return home soon

  3. Oh what lovey scenes! Hope you are doing well.

  4. Hmmm, 90 degrees in a place called Winter Harbor, Maine? Never woulda guessed it. But ... nice photos!

  5. Good luck with the big sort! Oh Lobster Rolls I would have stopped there!

  6. Beautiful pictures, and what a lovely place to spend the summer (it seems to me). I know you'd probably rather be home, but I'm glad that the sorting is getting easier. It's good to hear from you and know that you're doing alright.

  7. I did enjoy seeing all of your photographs, thank you.

    It's not easy sorting and clearing things after the loss of a loved one, my thoughts are with you.
    Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  8. It’s good to read and see, Susan, that you took a break, physically and mentally, from a very tough task. Undoubtedly, many memories are also with you in this process. Go slow and be kind to yourself as your love for your mother was shown in your posts.

  9. Glad to see a post from you and to know that you are keeping well. Clearing out a house after a parent's death is never an easy task! I found it very hard to go through my mother's belongings and she didn't have a house full of things (she lived with me).

    I enjoyed seeing the pictures from your visit to Winter Harbor - I hadn't realized that it can get quite so hot up in Maine!

  10. Dear Susan, thank you so very much for posting all the photographs. For many years, visiting Maine, both the coastal region and inland, has been on my wish list. Now that I'm 85 and traveling is somewhat problematic, a trip there probably won't happen. So it's so good to see what it's like in these photographs--just as I imagined.

    I read the destinations on the town's signpost and saw that one could go and see "puffins." I never realized we had puffins in the United States. How I'd like to see them.

    Finally, I'm sorry that I've been away from reading blogs for so long and so did not know that your mother died. Losing a parent wounds the heart. Takes from it, a comfort zone. My mom died when she was 58 in 1968; Dad died at 69 in 1975. So many, many years have passed since I was able to talk and laugh and be with them. Still, so many years later, I think of them and feel great gratitude for them. They loved me so much. Memories of them comfort me. I hope the same is true for you. Peace.


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