
Lucy says hello

Hello, you dear people who take the time to read my humble blog be it ever so simple,  light reading. I am so thankful for you all.💖 T he above photo is a favorite of my dog, Lucybelle. We mostly call her Lucy. She was about 4 years old in this photo and full of vim and vinegar! We rescued her as a puppy from a shelter in Kentucky. She was so tiny and cute as a button.❤ Unfortunately, in the next 4 years she developed chronic arthritis in her hips and became very inactive and overweight. She is a little Miss Piggy and given half a chance will steal from her older "sister", Dolly, and the cats. She is my constant companion and never far from my side. It's heartbreaking to leave her but for her own good I do not take her to Maine with me. For one thing her world is here. She has never been walked around the neighborhood. Our land is large enough, she can run around and explore, etc. I have to be within eye sight though. And, she is not a good traveller. She is like a piece


  Hello dear friends, I am back to continue my Thirty Days of Thankfulness posts.  I hope that you are feeling thankful for the little blessings in your life because they are there even if you have to dig deep during these strange times we live in. My mother was telling me that Corvid's tentacles has reached the Island. I was very sad to hear that. It was bound to happen I guess after the Summer and Fall tourist season.  So, I am thankful that the Island was virus free for so long. We thought of it as our secure haven.  But now the seas are getting choppy! And, the Presidential election didn't favor us conservatives so we are feeling the pain. November 7th. I finished my bedroom deep clean and can let go of the anxiety that I wouldn't get it done before leaving. I do have some health issues that I struggle with daily so the project had to be done over several days and it's completion was very sweet indeed.  November 8th. Sunday. Yesterday I went to church and afterwards


Beautiful night skies...  Thirty days of Thankfulness I had every intention of posting every day during November, to list one thing that I am thankful for, and I am 5 days behind already. 😶 But, no matter. 😊 November 1st was Sunday. Roger and I went out for a late breakfast after church and my pastor and a friend showed up at the same restaurant, joined us at our table. I am thankful for the friendship and fellowship we have with our busy pastor. November 2nd. I started a deep clean in our bedroom. I am thankful for the motivation to start this long overdue project.  We used to have a cleaning lady, she worked for Roger and his late wife for 5 years and Roger and I for almost 15 years. Since she left about a year ago, basic cleaning happens but nothing nitty gritty. I procrastinate until I can't stand it any longer and then feel overwhelmed.   I have been reading  a very inspirational blog, "What's new at my house" about habits. I need to develop a habit of daily cl


  Lucy has a worried look. Hello there dear friends! The sun is shining! It's stopped raining! The wind is whipping through our trees but the leaves that are left are holding on. It's a cold wind. I have just heard the first song of the White- throated sparrow- "oh sam peabody peabody, peabody." It has come back for the winter. Juncos should be showing up any day now.  Anyway,  I hope this post finds you well and coping in our weary world. Troubles somehow seem larger these days and even little things can be overwhelming, making "mountains out of mole hills" as the old saying goes. The lyrics to a  song..."the mountains are taller, the rivers wider, but I know who holds my hand" rings in my ears after hearing it in church yesterday.  Well, history is about to be made isn't it?? I'll admit that while I've watch very little news coverage these past 4 months and I've tried to distance myself from discussing politics,  I am very anxious


Yesterday I drove up to my daughter's to see them all before I head back to Maine next week. We have had several days of rain and the sky was still very moody. Judi warned me that it was cold up on her Mountain and it had snowed a little but wasn't sticking.  My trip got off to a rocky start when I noticed that my  air pressure in my rear right tire was showing only 25 on my dash info just as I merged into traffic on interstate 78. So, I had to get off to find a garage.  When I left home it was about 55 degrees f. A little cool but not jacket wearing, just long sleeves. What a shock to feel the 35 degree temps with a brisk wind when I arrived. We decided to go to Penn's Peak for lunch because it is near by her house and the view up there  can be spectacular in the Fall. It was pretty but very cold! I didn't spend much time out on the observation deck taking pictures!   Today the sun is shining and at 10am there's a heavy frost on the ground. What a change from a few