

  Hello bloggy friends! I hope you are all well and are enjoying some happy days of Spring. The picture above was one my daughter sent me from North Carolina where they are vacationing. It was taken from the upper deck of the house they are renting in the mountains. I could sit and look at that view for hours! Or, with my book or craft project for company. It certainly would be a change from staring at the ocean.  Today is Tuesday the 11th. It is afternoon and it’s raining. I’ve had a rather busy week since I last talked to you, aside from my usual routine here on the Island. We’ve had lovely weather, temps in the 60’s. Our handyman cut our grass for the first time.  I finally was able to get Mom out of the house after being in for 7 months. We saw her doctor and she had some blood work done. He was happy with her results and I know she felt relieved. And, he was able to convince her that she needed to have a Covid-19 vaccine and suggested I stop at Walgreens pharmacy on ...


 Hello dear bloggy friends.  Overcast today, expecting rain. Yesterday our temps reached 72 degrees! I'm happy to report that we have yellows and whites blooming. Lots of forsythia AND dandelions. Truth be known, I am lacking in motivation. I am feeling very blah. Not feeling very well to be honest. There are jobs outside that need doing but I  appear to be apathetic about everything. I have felt like this before.  I am getting very homesick.  Mom goes to see her doctor tomorrow. She hasn't budged from the house in 7 months. I hope he will tell her to get vaccinated. There is a clinic in Ellsworth so he will probably tell me to schedule there and she will refuse. If he would do the deed there in his office I know she would agree.  And then on the 18th she has an appointment with her eye doctor. Maybe by the middle of June I will be home. I hope so. 💛 💢💢💢💢💢💢💢 I did sit and finish a wip that's been in my crochet basket forever. The wall hanging I did ...


Happy days to you!  Hello dear bloggy friends. I fear the title of this post might be a misnomer. However I didn't want to call it All things blah and dismal. Spring beauty is trying very hard to shine through but has a long way to go. I noticed yesterday that there are a few dandelions blooming, some forsythia budding and a few daffodils. So maybe I should have called it All things yellow and beautiful. Anyway... An archive photo of bright and beautiful will have to do.  What's on my mind I do have some bloggy administration stuff to discuss with you today! First of all, Blogger informed me that come July those of you who "subscribe"  to have my posts sent to you via email ( through  FeedBurner) will not have that option. They are discontinuing that service. When I started this blog 6 or 7 years ago I did not install the "Follower" gadget. I started it mainly as a journal for myself and my family and close friends. But, sadly, few of them seem interested in...


 Hello dear friends! How ARE you? I hope that you are enjoying Spring as much as we are here on the coast of Maine. The warmer temps are so refreshing. And, I must say those cold roaring winds won't be missed either.  Well, so let's see,  my life has been busier then usual lately. First of all I think our squirrel problem might be finally solved! I had a carpenter come in to do some much needed repairs upstairs. The good news is... no squirrels upstairs lately. Phew. I thought I would never see the light at the end of that tunnel. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜  Pansies are one of Mom's favorite flowers and they are now in the nurseries. A big pot of them are just what the doctor ordered to keep her happy.  Speaking of a few days she will be 94 years old! She is enjoying the fuss the family is showering on her with cards and gifts arriving in the mail. I bought her several summer dresses online but only one has arrived so far. But it...