Hello my friends! It's month 3 since I started this blog. If you were with me from the beginning you will probably remember that I was very green at blogging and had some frustrating blogger experiences that I ranted on and on about in one of my earlier posts. But I do feel that I have learned and matured through perseverance and am a much more comfortable blogger now. I do enjoy sharing with you and hope that you will consider becoming a follower by tapping the g+ button on the right of my blog, just under my name. I am so thrilled that even though I am obscure I have had over 600 visitors so far! Thank you, kind readers! I hope that you keep on visiting.

View from Caterpillar Hill of the bridge that goes from the mainland to Little Deer Isle.
The backside of Little Deer Isle with the ocean around it and the hills of Camden, ME in the background. As you can see, not much green yet except for the evergreens.

As I mentioned in an earlier posting, that I named "IMPULSIVITY", I had decided that come Mother's Day, I would be on Little Deer Isle, Maine visiting my parents. I am happy to say that I did indeed get to make that trip. And, yes, indeedy, it WAS as cold as I had anticipated, feared, and dreaded it would be. I stayed in my camper,

aka my NEST, ran my little heater all night long and with the help of flannel sheets, flannel pjs and extra blankets was snug as a bug in a rug, very cozy. I spent a lot more time in bed then I wanted to though. On day 3 I became very ill with some sort of food poisoning. I use the term "some sort" because I'm not at all sure what caused it but I did pig out BIG time on fresh lobster and crab both at my brother's house before getting to the Island and then we all had a lobster feast on Mother's Day with other stuff besides. And, I had more crab before going to bed Sunday night! I know, I know, I deserved a belly ache for being SUCH a gluttonous pig! Monday morning early I awoke to the worst case of food regrettables that I can recall EVER! It went on for 3 days.  I swore I would never eat crab or lobster again for the rest of my miserable life. Please, Lord, just get me through this.  If I hadn't been chained to the bathroom I might have called my brother to take me to the ER at the local hospital 20 miles away. By day 4 I was finally able to visit with my parents again, go for a drive down the Island to Stonington for my annual photo shoot, and visit my brother and sister -in- law for tea.
On day 5 I made a trip to the little city of Ellsworth to shop in one of my favorite  "department" stores in Maine, Reny's.  I was able to take back to Mom and Dad a special treat, a bucket of KFC.  That evening found me watching Family Feud, Wheel of Fortune, and Jeopardy with them. I was finally back to normal.

 Whew. Some pictures of Stonington Harbor for you to enjoy....
 Light off Stonington, ME taken with a zoom lens.
Have you ever wondered how fisherman get out to their big boats? No, well, these are the boats they use.


I shall miss this rustic shack and the view beyond as I gazed out my camper windows every morning while eating my breakfast.

Before I knew it, it was time to travel across the bridge from Little Deer Isle to Sedgwick and work my way south again until I ended up at my older brother, Tom's house, about 4 hours away. I left around noon and it was raining and blowing a gale. The sea at the bridge was churning as I tried to capture it with the wind pushing against my camera and my body as I tried to focus. I did come away with a few good shots but the majority ended up blurred.
Picture of a  ramp and lobster boat and sailboat at the bridge.
Close up picture of same boats. This picture doesn't capture the true choppiness of the sea. I just couldn't hold my camera still with the wind gusts to get a good shot.

A Definite Improvement

The exhilarating weather that drenched and buffeted me while trying to gas up my car in Searsport, about an hour from the Island, petered out by the time I reached Augusta, 2 hours away, and it was sunny with a slight breeze in Portland. On arrival at my brother's, the temp was in the 70's. It was gorgeous!  We ate at a very nice restaurant in Portsmouth, NH,  then they took me down around York Harbor so I could snap a few pictures before sunset. 
Nubble Light in Cape Neddick, ME as the sun was getting ready to set.

Cormorants settling in for the night on a ledge beside the lighthouse.

I stayed with them over night and headed south again to make the 7 hour or so trip to home sweet home. I always love the wonderful welcoming bunch of sweeties waiting for me to open the sliding door. Bodies twisting with excitement, little "voices" that tell me they have missed me and bright smiling eyes. I open the door and 3 furry babies (2 small and 1 huge) bombard me with kisses and squeals while vying with each other for my attention. I am almost pushed over in the midst of it all but I love it. I tell them how much I missed them, look over their heads at my husband, who says, WELCOME HOME!

 (You'd think I'd been gone a month instead of 9 days, lol. But it sure is nice to feel loved. sigh.)


  1. How awful to spend 3 days so sick. I hate that for you and I hate that your daughter's health issues. I hope I am not doing wrong in mentioning it.

    Loved your photos...specially Nubble Light in Cape Neddick, ME in the wonderful light.


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