Hi there! Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope that all is well with you and yours. Here at Deer Run ( aka our little slice of paradise) we are plugging away. Roger (hubby) and Mark (my son) are working 14 hour days trying to keep all their swimming pool customers happy.


I am left fancy free to do as I please. Sounds great BUT I have been feeling very poorly since my bout of food poisoning in Maine. Finally I dragged myself to the doctor and moaned and groaned pitifully. He sent me for blood work. Then, I awoke one morning with my head spinning out of control. Roger, Roger, help! Back to the doc we went. (Me grasping a pink bucket-just in case you know.) It was determined that I had inner ear infections in both ears. Antibiotics prescribed in large but pretty yellow capsules. That was last week. I am definitely on the mend. Unbelievably, my daughter, Judi, was taken to the hospital by ambulance the same day I woke up in orbit. Pneumonia. She is also on the mend, came home on her birthday. What a way to spend your 40th birthday, huh. She said she had to come home to get well. If you've ever been in the hospital you will know what she means. Very noisy and hard to get any rest. So, that's that.

We have slipped into our Summer mode here. Very hot and humid. The heat is stifling at times, especially with the pollen. We crave warm weather but when it arrives we realize it's kinda like craving ice cream,  only to be reminded, on the first bite, we have a mouth full of sensitive teeth! So it's back into the house with the AC. Unless you are in the pool of course.

I have been hooking a bit on my doily and have it done! TA-DA!! What a chore this was. Not much fun. I had to frog it back at least 3 times due to lack of concentration. This is what happens every time I try to hook and watch TV or carry on a heated discussion with hubby (can you believe that we will have been married 9 years this month?!) Or watch Duck Dynasty with the grandkids.

It was hard getting a good picture with the gloomy days we have had since I started writing this post. It turned out to be 22 inches instead of the 30 the pattern said it was. That's okay, it's plenty big. Lots of hours in this one so I will be keeping it for myself. Can I tell you a secret? I prefer my doilies unblocked! Yep, I just like them in their natural state. This is what this one looked like after it was completed but not blocked. 
Just a mite too natural so I had to get the wrinkles out with starch and a hot iron.

Do you remember me writing about my inability to cultivate my strawberries into a decent size patch? Well, listen up people! I have finally hit the strawberry jackpot! We have big, beautiful plants loaded with big juicy berries. Yummy yum yum! It's taken 8 long years but I persevered through drought, slugs, squirrels, groundhogs, and relocating the patch 3 times. I do not give up easily where strawberries are concerned. 
We are getting about a bowl a day.
Blueberry cake made with fresh blueberries. We have to pick ours before the deer clean us out. So far in the past week I have made blueberry cake, rhubarb crumble, and strawberry shortcake. Whew! That's a lot of sugar! I just love when we start to harvest our berries. We also have raspberries and blackberries, and mulberries that will be ripe in July. Pears and apples complete our fresh, homegrown fruit.
Of course, the fruit is not ready nor will it be for a few months.
I must also show you what the grandchildren like to do in this hot and humid weather.



It's a wild and fun  time at my son's house in the Summer.
Hope that you can find some fun this Summer! As for me, I plan on staying in with the CA! I know, I'm a party pooper. I do venture out to take pictures of everyone else having fun though.


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