HAPpy SPrinG!

IT MAY NOT SEEM VERY SpriNGY WHERE YOU ARE, in fact it might still be cold and bleak looking and there may be still some of the white stuff around. What bliss to see the back end of what was a long cold Winter. But here in eastern Pennsylvania Spring has definitely sprung. In fact, 
I have already started the outside clean up even though Roger reminded me that last year it snowed on April 15th. 


There have been birthdays celebrated. A granddaughter turned 13 and a grandson turns 11 tomorrow. 

Happy anniversary to me....

I have an anniversary this month-a blogiversary. I have one year of blogging under my belt. In the beginning I said I would give it a try for a year. And despite not getting many comments or feed back, Blogger stats show that I have had over 200 readers a month visit me here with a total of over 3000 for the year as well as many hits on Google +.  While that may not seem like a lot, I am happy with it. I feel like I am still very much a novice. So, it's onward I go and I thank you all for stopping by. Please come back again and again. If you have any suggestions or helpful criticism, drop me a line via my email or leave me a comment.

HOOKY THROW IS DONE....TA-DAA...drum roll please...

I do love it when I can have a Ta! Da! Moment. That sense of completion after hours of work gives me a hooky high....vs a runner's high. 

I followed the pattern from a blog that I love. ..lesmondedesucrette.blogspot.com. 

I have several more throws that are in various stages of completion but I am going to take a break to make my daughter a poncho. More on that in my next post. 

What a beautiful color blooming at the top of our driveway after the awful bleakness that was under the snow that has melted. Warmer temps and lots of sunshine is regenerating life once again. 

Spring Blessings!


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