PORTLAND HEAD LIGHT taken on a foggy day. |
Hi there! I have just returned from a month long visit to the Island (aka Little Deer Isle) off the coast of Maine. The beauty of going in May is that there is hardly any tourists around. Of course, it's much cooler and there's not much color yet but I will take that instead of the humidity and 90 degree temps I left behind in Bethlehem, PA. I decided to take a detour this time to Southern Portland, Maine to see the famous Portland Head Light. I had only been there once before and it was many years ago. It's located near Cape Elizabeth where the twin lights are but they are not nearly as interesting and accessible as Portland Head. While there I snapped pictures all around me despite the poor picture taking conditions.

The lighthouse was not as large as I remembered it before but never the less very impressive in it's history. I won't go into all that because a simple google of Portland Head Light will suffice for all that. I will show what I thought to be the highlights of the area. So, hear goes....
Another less impressive light off in the distance. Boon Island if I remember correctly.
Example of the cliffs around the lighthouse.
Next to the Lighthouse.
I was tempted to wait around for this lobster shack to open up but decided to carry on since I had about 3 hours of driving until I headed over the bridge to the Island. The view of the raw ocean was spectacular! |
So I meandered down to the coast after getting off the Maine turnpike at Augusta and finally crossed the bridge to the Island around 5 in the afternoon. I found Mom and Dad about the same as when I left them last October, maybe a bit more frail and moving a bit slower. They are both 88 yrs old, fiercely independent and determined to stay in their home as long as possible. I spent my days pampering them but did get to visit old haunts around the Island and visited with old friends. Here are some photos I snapped here and there showing you a bit of what life on an Island can look like....
Looking across to someone's house on another Island.
I don't think I would like to be in attendance during a hurricane at this house!
Mountains in the distance are in Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park.
Please stay tuned for Part II of my Spring trip to Maine.
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