Springtime in Maine Part II

Hi there again! So happy you have stopped by. This blog posting is really a continuation of my last posting, SPRING TIME IN MAINE. The pictures shown are taken on and  around the Island (aka Little Deer Isle) that is located off the coast of mid Maine and is accessible by a long expansion bridge. When you go onto the Island you hit a small island called Little Deer Isle. My parents live there in a little cove with a foot path to the shore. I have a camper/travel trailor on their property that I stay in when I am visiting. This is what I see when I look out my big window of my abode....

It was once a nice working shack but is now just a shack. The neighbor has a garden fenced in to protect the fruits of their labor from the deer, raccoons and other critters. Across the cove you will see 2 islands, one behind the other. In the summer the second island, the one with the sandy beach.,  has a lovely large sailboat moored there most days. I do know there is a house on the island but I haven't been to it in years. Most of the islands are now owned privately. That wasn't the case when I was growing up on Little Deer Isle and we would explore and picnic on most of the many islands in the Penobscot Bay.

About a mile back onto the main road there is a winding causeway that connects to another Island, Deer Isle. If you continue down you will eventually hit Stonington, a small fishing community, a destination that is very touristy in the Summer months and a big hit with schooners and other sailing vessels. In past posts I have blogged photos of these as well as other parts of the Island. In this post I would like to continue my photo saga of my favorite haunts on an Island surrounded by other Islands. The following pictures were taken on a sunny day when I decided to go the Harbor Cafe to have a very delicious rib eye steak. (I also enjoyed plenty of lobster and crab during the month I was visiting my parents. Yum.) 

Harbor Cafe is located on the main street of Stonington. This is one end of the street, the cafe is the white building on the right hand side with the red upper story, in front of the pick- up truck.  Most of the buildings on  Main St. are commercial in nature; restaurants, newspaper office, gift shops, B&Bs, etc. Not the best quality photo since I was looking into the sun.

Stonington is very hilly. Main Street  runs along the water front but on the other side of the street the terrain goes up, as in the side of a hill. Most  houses are either on the side of a hill or on the top.

Along the water front you will find commercial piers that cater to the fishermen and some that  are privately owned. Stonington is rated #1 in lobster catching in Maine. Here you see  fishing boats loaded up with the next day's traps/pots to be set out. This is by no means all the fishing boats just the ones that live near or sell to the pier that you see to the left.

The mail boat travels to some of the outer islands also takes paying customers who just want to tag along. 

Granite cut in Stonington- in years gone by now- can be found all over the U.S. and in some of our more famous landmarks, including Washington, D.C. The harbor in Stonington has a small park that honors the people who worked and some died in the quarry that is located on a small island just off from Stonington.

I was there during low tide.
Fishermen come into the piers to sell their catches and to buy gas and bait.

I do have my favorite houses in the area that I wouldn't mind living in. This is one of the cottages.... and this is another. They are both located beside the sea....my favorite place to be.

Hope you have enjoyed my photos! My next posting will show some treasures I found in Ellsworth Maine and also some I found on Ebay.... and also a hooky project I completed while visiting with my parents.

Look around you and enjoy the beauty of Summer!

A lot of the  lawns on the Island are covered in this pretty ground cover. I think it is phlox but I could be wrong. It spreads like crazy. 


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