I have been watching the coverage of Pope Francis in Washington D.C. today. I am not Catholic but was very moved by his message to Congress. Simple, heartfelt and moving. Especially the part about the Golden Rule.

The last of my sunflowers.

I'm also working on HOOKY projects today. My snow flake throws have been gathering dust for the past few months but I'm hopeful that they will soon be COMPLETED and I can finally move on to something else....mainly the 2 ponchos that I want to have completed for 2 of the grandchildren by Christmas. However, there's still a lot to do on them yet. I'm trying to decide on a border. 

Because working on a large project can become tedious about three quarters of the way through, I have tried my hand at designing something to take a break from snowflakes-don't laugh now-my first stab at it is to come up with the perfect pot scrubbie. So far I am 3 down and each one is different. They are made with tulle, 3 inch wide strips but I am thinking about cutting those down to 1 1/2 inch strips which would be so much easier to work with and could use a size F hook instead of an H.

While visiting my family in Cape Neddick, Maine, my SIL handed me a scrubbie and asked me if I could replicate it. Not having a pattern or knowing how to crochet, and knowing that I love to hook she felt it wouldn't be a big deal. However, I have NEVER made anything without a written pattern. I get confused when looking at diagrams!  To look at this and realize that I would have to write the pattern flummoxed me at first. Then I thought "how hard can it be"?? After all, it's just a pot scrubber! 

I do love thread crochet. While using dk yarn to make my snow flakes I wondered what a block would look like if I used the same pattern but a size 10 thread. These cuties are what I created! They are only 3 inches square! Haven't decided what I will do with them. Maybe make a bunch and put together for a  table topper. 

My mom gave me this pitcher. It's a turquoise color and blends in with my living room. I think it belonged to my grandmother. Love old things!! Maybe that's because I'm getting old...well, older. 

Meet Tucker....he doesn't like to exercise.

Hugs and Happiness!


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