Hi out there in blogland! It's Fall here in eastern PA, (USA). However, most of these pictures were taken on a trip to Maine and the colors there were just beautiful. 

I took a trip to Bar Harbor and walked along West St where the old mansions are. The Harbor was buzzing. Schooners, a cruise ship, whale watching boats, light house tour boats and nature tours via the ocean were just a few on offer. The restaurants were very picturesque and there were inns and hotels and B&B's everywhere. It was late in the season but the tour buses were coming and going. I walked up and down hills until I couldn't take another step. It was exciting but I don't often go there. Once every 5 years is enough for me. The park (Acadia) was the same. I actually had intended to go to the park only but I didn't like the long lines on the "Loop" so I turned around and decided to do the Waterfront in Bar Harbor instead. 
In order to arrive at Bar Harbor from Ellsworth following Rt One you go through Mt Desert Island. This little restaurant is very famous and is just before you see the sign for Acadia. 

I collect sea glass and just had to visit this shop. On the outside was a very pretty puffin.

I found the museum signs very interesting. Double click on pictures to read what they say. Moving right along down the hill to the waterfront....all kinds of activity. 

Bar Harbor Inn situated on a point overlooking the harbor.

The prices were unbelievably high! I decided to hold my appetite until I got back to the Island where I could buy a half pound of crab for $12.00 and make about 4 crab rolls from it. 

 I think that my favorite part of the experience was leaning on the fencing by the shore walk, looking out to sea and snapping pictures of the various boats as they chugged by to go out into the open sea beyond the islands. 

The passengers on the schooner were congregating to board for an excursion and those on the cruise ship were being ferried back to the ship. It was a beautiful day. The last we were to have because the cold, wind and rain came in the next day. I thought how fortunate we all were to have that perfect day to enjoy. 

Taken from the "Loop" in Acadia Park.
West Street

 Back in the day the old mansions were called "cottages" to the rusticators from New York, Philly, and Boston who flocked  by the thousands to  spent the 'season' every Summer. But many were lost in the horrible fire of 1947 when over 17, 000 acres were burned and many people were trapped around the waterfront. Many mansions  of the rich and famous were destroyed. 

Until next time keep the faith. Hope you have enjoyed my Splashes of Color!


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