Hi there friends, hope you had a wonderful Easter and are enjoying good health. I have to put that last bit  in because retired folk love being idle or busy but we mostly pray for good health. Now, I am not over the hill yet but I must say the little aches and discomforts that go along with aging can be most annoying. Anyway,,,,look at this picture I took this morning while walking the dogs around the property in the rain: the silver lining in an otherwise dreary day...

Our magnolia trees are blossoming now and are a welcome sight. I stood there daydreaming about the beauty of Spring while the dogs couldn't figure out why I wasn't moving. Come on Mom, let's get moving! 

As you can see we have a lot of work ahead of us as we rake up the leaves that didn't get scooped up in the Fall. 

The lovely daffodil. Oh, my, I do love their colors. They are all over the neighborhood and certainly help to put a spring in our step. 

I took the winter wreath down and put up Mr. Rooster. We forgot to take in the Nut Flag last Fall but it doesn't really look too bad:

 A grandson celebrated his 12th birthday here yesterday. He is a quiet one, doesn't like anything fancy, doesn't want to be the center of attention. So, his mother put together a cupcake train cake with Kitkats as the tracks and set the whole thing on a cookie sheet. What could be more unfancy then that??

 His vivacious and outgoing brother looked on probably thinking he wished we'd hurry taking the pictures so he could get his hands on the KitKats....

So, that about does it for what's happening in my corner of the world which happens to be in Eastern Pennsylvania. What's happening where you are??



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