FALL 2016

Hi there! Happy Fall! I know that I have  not been around much these past 2 months. The summer just flew by and spending so much time traveling between Pennsylvania and Maine takes a lot out of me. I need time to recuperate from taking care of my parents, mostly my mom, dad's in a nursing home, which  I find exhausting so when I get back to PA I don't do much of anything for about a week. The second and last week I'm home I visit family, do shopping, and spend time with my fur babies and then catch up with social media. I have no internet service on the Island.  We have had lots of wind and rain both here and in Maine. I didn't take a lot of pictures but will show you what I did take on Little Deer Isle because I love our ocean views. Not a lot of excitement here in Bethlehem, looking very drab. 

The causeway from Deer Isle to Little Deer Isle. 

I stopped in the middle of the causeway to capture some of the Fall colors.

Pumpkin Island Lighthouse on Little Deer Isle.

Cottages around the shore looking out towards the lighthouse.

A beautiful Day!

Views seen from our house on a windy day.

A windy and foggy day. I took this on the shore with a zoom lens. It is the ledge connected to Sheep Island that has an osprey nest on it. 

A shack on the shore that got a face lift this past summer. I remember staying nights in this house when it was owned by Lois Smith, one of our neighbors, when I was just a wee girl. She had a stuffed snowy owl on my dresser that scared the dickens out of me when I looked at it by lamp light. (no electricity). But "Aunt LO" would wake me in the night for me to see the "Northern Lights". What a spectacular sight!

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Strange looking tree along the shore line. 
Well, that about does it for me. Not a whole lot going on. Mom had 2 cataract surgeries and then a flu shot that gave her the flu! She was very sick and didn't get to celebrate in the nursing home with Dad. We had planned a family and friend celebration there but it was not to be. Dad asked me to order a dozen red roses for her and I brought them home thinking they  might cheer her up and they did. When she was well enough to go to the nursing home again he sang "Let me Call you Sweetheart" to her. He still has his good voice, even at 89! She cried as did those of us who witnessed it. They have been married 70 years. 

Have a lovely day. 


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