Ice flowing down the Bagaduce River, Bucksport,
 Maine. I took this a year ago on a very cold wintry day. 
Hello there, so nice of you to stop by. Today it is sunny on my patch and the snow is melting fast. I was so mild I didn't need a jacket to walk the dogs. They were not best pleased about having to step in and out of snow, ice and muddy patches. 
I have been home from Maine for about a week. Most of that time I have hibernated due to cold and bad weather with the exception of going to the dentist to have 2 crowns fitted and to the retina specialist to have an eye injection. Yesterday I finally left the house to do something pleasant like lunch at a favorite restaurant and then on to Joann's to fabric shop for my darling (16 yr old) granddaughter's quilt. She wants 3 solid colors and that is a tough sell for a quilter who loves prints and lots of colors. However, I think I will go up in my sewing room today and dust. It's a room that gets very little use these days. My old Bernina sewing machine motor burned out a couple of years ago and I haven't had the  mojo to use another of the two very nice ones I have left but they just aren't a Bernina.  I am thinking I might try the Snowball Pattern for starters and see what I can do with using 3 colors. I might just have to go rogue and add another color. I will be posting updates as I progress. 

My blog used to be called LIVING AN ORDINARY LIFE. I fell into a slump with everything going on in my life and didn't post for 9 months!  For one thing my life didn't seem so ordinary any more. I spend my time traveling back and forth between here in PA to my 91 yr old mom's in Maine.  She is one stubborn lady but I am told the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, lol. She refuses to leave the Island.  The second reason is that my camera is not working all that well these days. Too many years of use and rough treatment. I had hoped to replace it by now but a new furnace motor, etc and major repairs on Roger's old jeep, and my crowns have really eaten into our fixed incomes. So, it will come but in the meantime I am relying on my photo archives as well as pictures taken with my old camera.
So, I decided to give blogging another try but to change the name. A fellow blogger ( was emailing with me about cameras and our lives and she said she was glad that I liked her "mutterings". Low and behold! that description of her lovely postings stuck in my head. I decided to give blogging another try but to change the name. Hence, MUTTERINGS WITH PICTURES was born.   I guess I have to start over with readers but since I hardly ever get comments and I haven't had my blog current, it's hard to know who is reading  my blog. I do hope that you who are reading this post will make a comment so I know that someone out there is reading me. 
Another reason why I am posting is to make these postings journalistic. . I can't remember anymore from year to year what I do, make or go or events that go on in my life.  I hope to post fairly often so I have a record to look back on. 

Random pictures...

We adopted Dolly about 4 years ago now. She is about 11. 

I don't know what this is, it's frozen whatever it is.

The family room window. The snow is melting. 

The dog yard.

The snow is melting on the driveway.

Tessa, adopted but disappeared one day never to be seen again several months ago while I was in Maine. She particularly loved me so I feel guilty that she thought I was never coming back and left home.Roger was working at the time and not home during the day. A very wild and huge stray tomcat showed up about that time so we just don't know what the story is but it has haunted us. I pray she found a new home and someone  to love her. 

Roger is retired army so we are very patriotic in this house. 

A summer mandala that I made last Spring. I have made a Christmas/Winter one but haven't photographed it yet.

Lucy, our love bug. 

Zeppy, our adopted special needs cat. We have had him for many years now. He was hit by a car as a kitten and has one working eye and ear and his mouth is twisted. He very lovable and handsome despite everything that happened to him. He has 2 pretty eyes but he is winking, lol.

Fishing harbor on the Island. It's was overcast but I snapped the pictire anyway. 

I had to put in something colorful. Last pictures of Mom's rugosa rose bush last Fall. They were on their way out but still pretty. 

And a memory...A bright summer day last year when I was just going around the Island  snapping photos. 

Last Picture I took of my younger brother, the writer and painter,  in his house on the Island. They sold it last Fall. 

Last Picture I took of my sister in law, the retired professor, in her house on the Island before it was sold.They now live in San Francisco in a retirement community. 


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