I zoomed in to get this photo.

Hello there! It's a bright, sunny day here on the coast of Maine. There's not a lot going on in my everyday mundane sort of life but I do get excited about the beauty around me.  Today we are expecting snow later on in the evening and all day tomorrow. We'll see. It's cold, 25 degrees F. I will be moving my car into the garage and then get to work on some crocheting for Christmas gifts. I just had a new book of Mandala patterns arrive in the mail and I have a bag of cotton yarn I bought a while ago for something else but that has never stopped me from going rogue.😏
These photos were taken the day after Thanksgiving when I decided I needed some fresh air. And fresh it was: very windy and extremely cold. When I went down to our shore even the seaweed was frozen. I hope you enjoy my photos. I took them in our little cove with the exception of the lighthouse and causeway which are about a mile away. We may live on an island but we are also surrounded by islands as you can tell by the pictures. I loved the lighting that day, the deep blues and greens of the ocean and the spray flying as the surf pounded against the rocks. It was very exhilarating and refreshing. When I returned home I had all kinds of energy! Thank goodness I have a built-in stabilizer on my camera because the wind was buffeting me every which way. I couldn't decide which lighthouse picture to use so I included them all, sorry about that.

Beach houses looking toward the lighthouse.

Taken off from our shore, notice the ducks at the bottom, I didn't see them until I uploaded the photos to my computer. 
I couldn't distinguish if these were Mergansers or Mallards or a combination. My gut says Mergansers.

The causeway from Little Deer Isle to Deer Isle.

 "Our" shore, a footpath from our house. It looks calm and peaceful but it  is sheltered from the wind.

A cove just over the hill from us. A calm spot out of the wind.

Pumpkin Island lighthouse from a different perspective. The tower is hidden behind the tree. There's usually a flag flying when the owners are in residence. The island is privately owned now and the light is non working.

I just love the deep shades of the ocean in this photo! it has been untouched by any editing. I took it high up on a cliff, truth be told I actually trespassed 😳 on a Summer resident's veranda to get this side photo of Pumpkin Island. 

So now November is behind us and Christmas decorating is upon us. Let the fun begin! Last year mom was still too distraught over losing dad to have any interest in being festive, but lately, she seems to be much better. She still has her moments but they're getting further apart. I went up to the "attic", which used to be 3 small bedrooms but are used for storage now, and found the small Christmas tree and some really old ornaments. I couldn't find the beautiful fiber optic, the animated angel I gave them many years ago that my dad really loved. How could something like that just disappear?! In fact,  I couldn't find any of the many ceramic displays I had made them in my younger years. What's up with that, anyway? 😉

I have made some rather bold changes to my blog theme. It's called "playing around", hope you like it. 

Happy First Day of December!


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