Reading blogs can be hugely inspirational! For instance, one blogger lists each item she buys,  including groceries, thereby bringing up questions to ponder later: Did I really need to buy that? and, Where can I cut back to spend less next month? While I admire her analytical mind, this type of accountability would drive me bonkers and raise my blood pressure to new highs. First of all, I usually have misplaced receipts by the time I remember to look for or need them. And, I may live on a fixed income but I really don't want to acknowledge mentally that I must pinch pennies (dollars).

 Fortunately for my husband,  my "gotta haves"  have diminished with age. In fact, I am trying to unload those very belongings I couldn't live without a few years ago.  Mostly due to back issues I no longer shop at mall complexes. No, those days are long gone.  My biggest vice these days is online shopping, especially Amazon. Prime shipping and next day delivery! Most every week I have something, mostly inexpensive, but, of course totally necessary,   arrive either in Maine or at home in PA. Receiving deliveries makes me extremely happy! Mostly yarn bought from Wool Warehouse in England. It takes usually 2 weeks to arrive. Just long enough for me to forget about it, sort of, and be ridiculously happy when it lands on the doorstep. DVDs are a favorite delivery because I am addicted to crime series, VERA, MIDSOMER, etc, especially British murder mysteries. The last thing I bought was a very inexpensive (cheap) radio for Mom. They used to be called "transistor" radios. It has an antenna for better reception, she can plug her earphones in and she listens to it after she goes to bed. Even on the Island it came in 2 days. She loves it and that made me feel good.

Before you start thinking I have a problem, I must mention that I  have a "Mad Fund" account at the bank. I worked for a rehabilitation hospital for 18 years and while their retirement pensions are a joke, it does give me money every month to spend how I like.

Anyway, I digress 😏. This morning I read on a blog that a blogger had made a GONNA DO list. So, I thought, "this is something I could really get my teeth into"! She made up a list of all the enjoyable things she would like to do before the end of the year. She has already crossed off going to see a certain movie and visiting a particular museum. What a good idea! So, I opened a notebook to make my own list. Hmm, now let's see. What is it I have been meaning to do but haven't got around to? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? You know, I couldn't think of one thing!! I must have brain fog. Now I am worried about why I can't think of any enjoyable activities to do in 2020. My heart rate is wild! I get up and go to the kitchen to find comfort food. I must be going through some sort of aging crisis. I think I am beyond midlife at this stage. I will talk to Roger about what he would list but experience has taught me that his list would include items that I would call WORK. 😒


Have a great weekend!


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