πŸ’– Hello!
What's up?

Too much thinking and not enough sleeping! It  dawned on me after a few very restless nights of getting hardly any shut eye that if I couldn't figure out how to shut my mind down, empty it, I would end up getting sick from night after night of sleep deprivation. I have had insomnia issues since I retired 15 years ago, but nothing like I have experienced lately. What causes this? Aging and all THAT entails? I think maybe in my case my circumstances are part of the problem. I had a preconceived idea about how my life after work would go. My husband and I had talked about it...a lot! We were married 35 years.  Then he became ill and died at the age of 58. I remarried and retired at the age of 55. but my second husband, Roger, had retired from many years of  army life and had travelled and been stationed  in many countries and states. He has one thing on his Bucket List: to never leave home again. So, in life we sometimes find that the adventures we anticipated are not the ones we end up having. However, we are still moving forward, getting older. You might ask what brought all this on?  The answer is: it all began on January 4th when I turned 70!!! All of a sudden I feel like I am running out of time to do whatever it is that I want to be doing.😱 I'm not rightly sure what that is, LOL. 

News of Kobe's helicopter crash with 9 people onboard has hit us hard.

I am getting packed up to head to Pennsylvania in a couple of days if the weather cooperates. I have been here with Mom through Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's and now I am anxious to see my hubby, fur babies and family. God willing I am in hopes of staying home for a couple of months this time. Mom has been sick with a virus but is doing ok now. 

Did you know?

Do you need a chuckle or two? I found these and couldn't help myself from passing them on...


Island sculpture

Cape May, NJ

Mysti, our beloved dog 

The house my mother was born and raised in, in the cove,  not very far from where Mom lives now.

Maise, she visited us in Bethlehem, PA

Rocks in Stonington, ME

Daughter and grandsons

Chloe and Lucy

Grandson, Logan
Pookie, top, and her son, Tucker
My Dad, age 88 in this photo, enjoying his lobster at the old homestead on Little Deer Isle. He is missed.πŸ’–

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