Life's not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.  Vivian Green

Hello dear friends, I hope that all is well in your world. We remain untouched by the virus here but that doesn't mean we are without adversity and heartbreak. 

The "clan" that I  was born into, the Eaton's, is steadily shrinking.  In the past few years we have lost those near and dear.  First my dad, Eugene, then his brother, Albert, (also his daughter within a week of each other) and now my brother, Thomas.  Good, solid names for good, solid, men.  

Tom went to be with the Lord on Friday.  He did not have the caronavirus. The seriousness of his illness went undetected and was further complicated due to inaccessibility to doctors, hospitals and treatments because of the all-consuming protocols of Corvid-19.  He was 71 years old,  a beloved husband, son, and brother.  We shall miss his Maine wit, his talents, his personality. 

I wrote more on my Facebook wall and included a picture. Just do a search for Susan Zarzycki. You will recognize my page because of the picture of Portland Head Lighthouse. Have I mentioned that I love lighthouses?

Mom, as you can imagine, is overwhelmed with grief. And to make matters worse, I had to have her beloved cat put to sleep yesterday. Her cup runneth over.

However, we are all believers in the Lord, our loved ones are in heaven,  and we'll weather this storm with our faith and Maine tenacity. 

A favorite verse:

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest  for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."  Matt. 11:28

Yesterday I went for a walk. It was lovely and I needed to get out. I just walked around our immediate area and these are the pictures I took...  Today wind and rain is supposed to move in later. Roger tells me that it is already starting to rain there (Bethlehem, PA) and they also are supposed to get high winds.

Roger brought his boat one year and we saw this house from the ocean. It is gorgeous with mostly glass on the front facing the sea. There's a cliff face there so the house is up high and has a fantastic view in all sorts of weather!

I zoomed in on the islands off in the distance so you could see the wind turbines on Vinalhaven Island and what's left of the lighthouse and fog bell on Eagle Island.

Through My Kitchen Window

Foxy was laying down on the job. I had put some seeds out on the ground out by the big Spruce tree and he was eating them. I was looking out the kitchen window while washing dishes and he was looking toward me but I don't think he saw me through the window. He plunked himself down and was munching away until he heard the deer coming through the woods to see what they could find under the feeders and surrounding area. I will be glad when nature starts to green up around here so I can save a ton of money on seeds and cracked corn! But I will miss their visits. 

Well, I have many projects I can busy myself with but I will probably get lost in a good murder mystery for the rest of my free time today. I cooked a lot of comfort food so we will have leftovers. Mom's not big on them but she likes meatloaf sandwiches. 

💖  Stay Safe 💖


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