Muddiling Along

Acadia National Park

Hi there! I know the proper word is "muddling" but I like my word better. Do you or your family have words that you have coined through the years and use without thinking, sometimes, when you're with others? And you get funny looks? Or a "what did you say?" Anyway...


 Yes, I am still on the Island! And I'm mighty homesick! Thanks to corvid-19, I have not been able to obtain help for Mom. So far, we have been blessedly secluded from the virus but I do have to leave soon to visit our closest "city",  Ellsworth.  Population: 8000? It's not far from Acadia National Park and Bar Harbor. I go today to my retina specialist for an eye injection for macular degeneration. I have been having them for about 8 years.  My primary is in Bethlehem but I go to a doctor here in Maine also. Before the appointment I will hit  Wal-Mart for food shopping. The last time I was there the store was practically deserted, I kid you not!  The upside was twofold, I had the first choice on the Summer clothes just in and didn't have to worry about keeping my distance.   Someone had been there, though, because the hotdogs, toilet paper, and disinfectant shelves were bare.

What to talk about? Not health issues! But, it's what's on our minds, isn't it? We can't help ourselves! I avoid too much media coverage.  It's so heartbreaking to think about what others are going through! Mom seems glued to it and then frets and carries on.  I think she is conditioned to watching the evening news and can't break the habit.

I have two brothers. 💖 No sisters.😞  None of us are young since I am in the middle and have had my 70th! birthday in January. My younger brother lives in San Francisco. Need I say more? He is really paranoid about the social distancing rule because so many people are ignoring it. (I don't understand people, less now than before.)  He sounds so angry on the phone. Mom tries to help by giving him unsolicited advice on how he should live his life. It's funny listening to her talking to him. She still sounds like she did many many moons ago when she was trying to get him up and out the door to meet the school bus.  How well I remember it, a daily routine for them.  He's always been sluggish in the mornings because he is a night owl. And when he came home from school it was the evening routine of getting him to do his chores and homework when all he wanted to do was sit like a lump in front of the TV. So, he has a very placid personality and it's a bit disconcerting to hear him so upset!


I wrote the above yesterday. Today it's in the 40's, very windy and pouring down rain.  I really can't see the sense  in getting dressed so I am still in my "I don't give a crap about facing the day" clothes. 😃
Yesterday was a long day. It takes time to social distance. I had a list of supplies needed in Wal-Mart. The store now has  red squares on the floor 6 feet apart. It took forever to get through checkout. At the eye doctor, each patient waits in their car until they are called to be taken in individually and checked at the door. Once admitted, the building swallowed you up. I didn't see anyone other than the doctor and her assistant who were in separate rooms from each other, communicating via loud voices.  Of course, face masks were worn and gloves. Once the procedure, involving lots of drops, pictures taken, and bright lights penetrating the depths of my eyeball, was finally culminated with the injection, I was then led to the door and sent on my way. I staggered to my car and drove back to the Island with one eye closed. 😓

What  a lovely thought, that God shelters us from whatever we are facing! Here's another, I love reading the Psalms...thanks to, Betsy, a fellow blogger,  for posting them first.

So, in other happenings ...the red-winged blackbirds are back. the American goldfinches are looking a lot more golden these days and the Carolina chickadees are pheebeing.  I haven't taken any photos lately. But I will soon. Mud season has hit Maine and it's not a pretty sight!. My flower garden here needs lots of work but I noticed a lot of new growth poking up through the debris. That's exciting! I don't have daffodils or tulips here but I imagine that in Bethlehem there's lots of colors already. The Magnolia trees must be budding, the daffies blooming and cherry (cheery) trees getting pink with loveliness.

 Roger has had to take our little Dolly to the vet. She has a cataract on one of her eyes and bleeding at the back of her other due to high blood pressure! She is virtually blind!! Wow, my poor baby! She's on medication, we are hoping she regains her sight in the eye without the cataract. They do remove cataracts on dogs but the cost is in the $5000 range. Bummer.

So, friends, thanks for stopping by,  you are all appreciated. Take care!

 We will chat again soon. I'll leave you with this thought-



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