View taken from our shore.

Hello!  How are you all?  I am  recovering from a malady known as "TOO MUCH". I have to giggle as I write this because it's rather silly. However, I think some of you might agree with me. Do you feel that we are being bombarded with falling asteroids? They all have names: Virus(es), Vaccine,  Restriction, Media, Chaos, Nervous Breakdown,  to name a few. I am so looking forward to a time when my biggest anxiety will be finding the right person to take care of Mom so I can go home for the Summer. 

As for Mom, I am at a standoff with her over getting the Covid vaccine. She is refusing to get one. She was supposed to see her doctor on the 14th but is saying she's not going. On the evening news  she heard something about side effects the other day and she has grabbed on to that tidbit like an anchor to use as an excuse but the real reason is she doesn't want to leave the house. 

So, what have I been up to? In keeping with my desire to be more productive in 2021, I have started not one but two of this doily pattern. I am challenging myself outside my comfort zone with this one. I have a huge supply of number 10 Cebelica thread. My eyes are not going to get any better than they are right now with my Macular degeneration so it's time to " bite the bullet" as they say. The pattern is called "Rozita".

I am doing one in ivory and one in green. So far so good. I am doing the center flowers at the moment.

I have taken advantage of our 38 degree weather to drive down the Island to do the pharmacy and food run. Not many people about. Lots of snow and ice around. I took my camera but didn't see anything that struck my fancy. Very blah scenery and uninspiring. I will dip into my archives and see what I can come up with. I am not good at identifying hawks so if anyone can identify it please leave a comment.💖

I have just finished reading " A Beautiful Blue Death" by Charles Finch and am now reading his "The September Society". If you like books set in the late 1800's you will probably like Charles Finch's books about his detective, Charles Lenox, a Victorian gentleman, and his next-door neighbor, Lady Jane. These Kindle books are a departure from my usual budget-priced or free books I read on Kindle Unlimited but sometimes I like to read what others have recommended. 

My happy mail today is not so much an indulgence but a necessity. The medication that Roger sent on the 3rd  of December, Priority mail, finally arrived! Now I am waiting for his Christmas present to arrive. I admit to being excited and watch for the mail lady every day.

Taken this morning

Cute little Redpolls

Take good care everyone,


  1. You see some of the prettiest sights through your kitchen window. Stay safe.

  2. So sorry to hear your Mom doesn't want the vaccination. Coopers Hawk is my guess...would be good to see his tail feathers...
    Your doily pattern is beautiful...that will keep you out of trouble a few days!
    So mail is coming by Pony Express? Glad it finally arrived.

  3. The doily is so pretty. My eyesight is definitely getting worse as I get older, I use a magnifying light when cross stitching which certainly helps. It sounds like you've got a battle on your hands with your mom and the vaccine.

  4. I have a feeling many older people won't want to leave their homes to have their vaccination, such a shame. Your doily will keep you occupied and is very pretty. I always love to see your photos from your kitchen window, they are wonderful.

  5. What amazing photos!!!!!!!!
    Prayers your mom will reconsider.
    My mom is 82, and received her first dose last week.
    If it is any help, she had no side effects at all!

  6. I am always so glad to see a post from you...always looked forward to.mail when i was s kid. Just hoping there would be a letter from one of my sisters. A package was right up there with Christmas. And i still love knowing there is a package coming! Even if it is something I ordered.

  7. I always enjoy your backyard wildlife. It must be entert@inning to watch them. The crows entertain me. Sad!

  8. I do hope you will be able to convince your mom to get the vaccine and perhaps the doctor or other medical professional can help. Certainly, her concern is unwarranted, but sometimes there is no dissuading people when their mind becomes fixated on a point. Coincidentally, I am listening to A Beautiful Blue Death (Charles Finch) right now and I have the next one, The September Society, in my wish list. I was able to download the first as e-books from the local library, which also remains closed to patrons now. Another good one I recently read is called A Murder in Mayfair if you should find that one available. The doily is lovely and you have perfected a new skill, Susan. I think the hawk may be a Coopers only because I know it's not a redtail.

  9. What a beautiful doily pattern! I can do filet crochet and granny squares! LOL. Love the photo of the deer! Hope you were able to persuade your mother to go to her doctor's appointment!

  10. WoW!! you have a lot going on and i was very happy to read your post!! the doily pattern is gorgeous, and perhaps just the right size for the times. i could honestly look out your kitchen window all day. the red polls are so cute, i don't see them here!!

    it is such a personal choice about the vaccine, i am not getting it right now. i was in the hospital last week for a few days and it is so scary to be there. COVID is everywhere and the numbers are really up in my area. my county is the highest in new jersey!!

  11. Coopers Hawk! He’s probably eyeing the little guys at your bird feeder for a snack. Your doily is just amazing! So intricate, and such a pretty color. I hope you can get your mom to change her mind about the vaccine. My mom is 94 and we are trying to find a shot for her. She is willing but no luck so far.


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