Good morning dear bloggy friends! I hope you are all well.

It's 5:55 AM. Temperature is 10 degrees but real feel is minus 16 because of the extreme wind that has been battering our house all night. Not much sleep for mom or myself. It's been a wild night and it's not over yet.This old house is still creaking and groaning.  I dread looking out the window to see how many shingles are off the garage roof. It's large and pretty high up and takes the full brunt of the wind in storms like this. 

For two days we  had rain and warmer temps so the snow and ice has diminished significantly. So much so that when putting seeds and corn out yesterday my one boot sank into the mud up to my ankle and I went down buckets and all. That makes the fourth fall this winter, a record for even me! I was not a pretty sight when I came back into the house. I expect the deer waiting in the swamp enjoyed their pre-dinner entertainment!

Aside from the weather, there's not much to report. I find myself wanting to go home but that's not an option so I get on with doing not much of anything. Mom was sick for a few days but seems okay now. I notice that she is sleeping more than she was and says she feels better when she is laying down. I bought the entire series of "All in the family". I don't know if you remember "Edith and Archie Bunker", they harken back to the 70's I think and were very popular. My grandparents lived with my parents by then and they loved watching it. So, anyway, Mom and I watched it on the weekend, she enjoyed it so I guess I hit it lucky. It's hard to get her to try new things. 

 I have been watching a lot of YouTube videos or vlogs. One that has struck my fancy is THE LAST HOMELY HOUSE. Kate lives in Northumberland, UK. You have to like quilting, crafts, cats, hens, cooking, and chatting to like her videos. I find her a treasure!❤️

The other thing I have been doing is PUNCH NEEDLE. I am having fun with it, just trying to get my stitches neat and uniform, choosing the right needle, backing, and yarn/thread, frames, hoops. It’s not as easy as it looks when I watch YouTube videos  but each day I practice a bit and I am coming along. I am just about finished with my doilies. I will need to block them but doubt I will do it anytime soon. I already have a stack of them from the past several years. I love hooking them but really don't have a use for anymore. These two were more challenging. 

Between Mom’s care, the house and it’s quirks, cooking, and my YouTube addiction, and crafting attempts, the hours slip away. I find myself becoming accustomed to being isolated in my cocoon and hesitant to leave it to go food shopping and to the pharmacy.  Mom refuses to get the vaccine and I have not tried to figure out how to get one here outside my own healthcare providers I have in Pennsylvania. Procrastination. Putting it off. Feeling secure as long as I don’t go anywhere. I know, I know, I need to get my act together. It doesn’t help that my husband and my daughter are also refusing to get the vaccine and are encouraging me to put it off and wait and see.. 

Mark Island light. Pictures taken in the Summer.


There's not much to photograph around here. I did a cute video with my iPhone of Mallard ducks but it won't upload to blogger. I also took a video of Mark Island light in Stonington on a foggy Ìday with the fog horn's muted sound  and have the same problem. Funny, I uploaded a video of a deer in my last post okay and also a "funnie" Roger sent me via email.  Yesterday I spent a lot of time trying to get my printer to work when using my iPad. It just would not recognize my printer. Finally it worked. I needed an IP address. Silly me I kept typing in my physical address, then my email address.  Finally I googled what an IP address is. Good ole Google. Life's little frustrations.

These are my photos, not that pretty and colorful but I enjoy watching them while I eat my breakfast or when I am cooking, washing dishes. I'm the  dishwasher in this house.😏


And there you have it!
Enjoy your day!
Take good care of yourselves, 


  1. You are so lucky to have your Mother, I miss mine.
    You are a wonderful daughter to stay with her, I admire that quality.
    I have tried punch needle I found I did not do a good job of it, you have inspired me to try again.
    I loved watching All In The Family and all their problems, what a hoot they were, I also like, watching Fraiser, I wish we had more comedy like them, I am not a fan of anything on TV right now except the discovery channel.
    Thank-you for sharing all the lovely outdoor photos, its such a pleasure seeing all the birds and animals enjoying eating.
    Have a sweet day


  2. The deer did seem to enjoy your spill:) Glad you weren't hurt and the turkeys sure enjoyed the corn.
    How great you got the All in the Family series. I'm sure your Mom is enjoying them. It has been so long ago that they would all seem new again.
    Sorry about you and your Mom not getting the vaccine. It really does bring a lot of ease and relief when you do get them.
    May you both keep safe and well.

  3. Oh no, not another fall, I hope you didn't hurt yourself this time. We've had some better weather just lately, it's so nice to see some blue skies and sunshine, though we're back to fog again this week. Wonderful photo of the woodpecker.

  4. I really hope that is your last fall for ever! I am so thankful you could get up and keep going. I don't even know where to begin with this post...I do admire how you take care of your mom, too. I really did not know if I would get the shot...but I guess we are. I wanted roger to have it and I felt I might as well...but my kids are probably not going to get them. And I really dread it.

    That Mr. & Mrs. Mallard are sure a handsome couple! Excellent photos! The other birds are beautiful and if I had that to watch out my window, I would not get much done. Here all I can get are starlings.

    I love the lighthouse photos...

  5. Hello! What lovely photos you shared today! I am like you, feeling ok to be in my little safe space. I don't know about the vaccine. I am taking a wait and see as well. My mother, who is 84. has had both doses with no problems. I am glad for that. The sun is shining here in Pennsylvania, but it is cold! Stay cozy, my friend.

  6. THose are some interesting views you have while washing dishes. i just might forget to wash the dishes and just watch the birds.

  7. Love these photos. Your family home is in a beautiful place.

    The wind was wild here last night as well and kept me awake much of the night.

    We are getting vaccinated here when it’s our turn, not taking any chances. Good luck with you decision.

  8. I am thankful for the opportunity to get a vaccination! We have had relatives and friends die from Covid. In the Nursing Homes here those elderly who are not quite with it all the time had to get a Caregiver to request the shot for them. The Nursing Home Patient and the caregiver got their vaccinations at the same time.
    We are in big do do if the vaccinations are bad...because it will take out the health care system first as they were the first to get them.
    In my opinion the benefits outweigh the risks:)

  9. I do hope you weren't hurt from your fall. I'm glad myself and my hubby have had our first Covid jabs as I do feel this is the only way for us to get this virus under control. Take care and stay well.

  10. I've enjoyed seeing your photos - very pretty!

  11. You take the most gorgeous pictures, Susan. I love seeing your scenery and the wildlife there. Haven't watched All in the Family in years. I imagine it might be very entertaining to watch again. I had my first shot on Monday and am looking forward to getting the second shot behind me in a few short weeks. I'm very ready to resume some sort of normal.

  12. i love your view, the ducks and birds are really beautiful!! i remember watching all in the family as a kid. archie, what a character. i think i would enjoy it now as much as i did then!!!

  13. First, Susan, hope that you were not injured (except your pride) in that fall. I so dislike walking on ice or mud and will not go out in a nearby park until the danger of both is all gone (maybe by April?). Your wildlife photos were wonderful to see especially the cardinal and the woodpecker, my favorites. Glad your mom enjoy the All in the Family series, which I did watch a bit but not one of my favorites back then. We will be getting our second vaccine next weekend and feel comfortable doing so. I can understand why people are on both sides of the fence regarding the vaccine, but for us the benefits would outweigh the possible consequences. Like yourself, we are also used to isolation although we do get out a bit more often to shop and walk.

  14. Sorry to read about your fall, I hope you are now ok.

    I enjoyed seeing your photographs, they are all lovely.

    Do please take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan


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