Hello dear bloggy friends! It's been awhile, hasn't it, but I am well and hope you are also. It's a sunny day here but only 23 degrees. We've had it bitter cold this winter. And, according to my weekly heating bills so has the island in Maine at my house that I inherited from my mother last year.. The price of gas heat is exorbitant! 

Here in Pennsylvania there's not much going on. I continue to hibernate unless we meet up with my daughter and her family at a restaurant but the Poconos where she lives is even more Arctic so that doesn't happen often. She has lung issues so has to stay inside when it's bitter cold. We do have snow but with our sunny days it has diminished somewhat from the 6 inches we received less than a week ago. Frozen snow now.

I was talking to my daughter, Judi, yesterday and she asked me if I was bored. I answered, BORED? No. I'm not bored. I have this big ole house and lots of hobbies. And both Roger aka Himself and I are Winter Olympics junkies. We can't get enough of them. Of course there was the Super Bowl. Since I took up knitting I have been exposed to more football than the entire years of my lifetime. My comfy chair is in the room with the best TV in the house. I still don't understand much of it and I usually cheer for the underdog unless The Eagles are playing. 

My knitting is coming along. I am getting used to using different size and types of needles and yarn. I have invested in some luscious colorful hanks and used my new swift and yarn winder to form colorful cakes of yarn to put in my yarn bowl, both Christmas presents bought by me but wrapped and given by Himself. See, I can talk the lingo now.😏

And, I am never far from a good murder mystery be it on Acorn or Britbox or read on my Kindle. My latest reads were oldies but goodies. Mysteries written by John Bude and J.S. Fletcher. I can highly recommend SCARHAVEN KEEP by Fletcher. Five stars.  Have you any books to recommend? Do tell. I have SHIVER by Allie Reynolds to read next. And I listened on Audible to COASTLINERS by Joanne Harris. I can't say I liked it much, maybe because it wasn't a murder mystery but I found it depressing. However, I did listen to the end. Three stars.

So, there you have it. Oh, we have another stray? that visits our usual stray at his heated cat house. They seem to know each other because he allows her? to eat his food. We are calling her Pauline. The other morning I looked out and there was a juvenile black vulture pecking away at his food while the rest of the gang were looking on. That was a little shocking to see! Of course Rascal, our feral cat, was long gone.


Take good care of yourselves, 

Talk to you soon.



  1. What beautiful photos. I do love cardinals which we don't get here. We haven't had any snow either which I also love.

  2. Think I saw 20. Nothing prettier than cardinals in the snow.

  3. I am jealous of all those Cardinals. I am still waiting for the day when I can get a photo of one.

  4. The Cardinals look like a postcard. Very cool and pretty!

  5. I recommend the latest by Elizabeth George. I can’t remember the name. I enjoy the way she develops the characters in her novels.

  6. I saw 6, 5, 6, and 6 cardinals in your first four photos. I thought there was a counting quiz and prize at the end of your blog! The photos are beautiful as a prize, and the other birdies too. Vultures in the snowy weather? I thought they flew south. Ewww. Interesting woodpecker with the red mark on his helmet, like a double Nike swoosh. Linda in Kansas

  7. So many beautiful cardinals! What lovely pictures. :)

  8. I don't think you ever get bored if you've got plenty of hobbies to keep you occupied. Lovely photos, it does look very cold there though.

  9. Beautiful photos of birds, we have 6 bird feeders, we love watching them.
    Thank-you for sharing with us.


  10. Your posts are always a fun read. We had snow, last week, too, but the biggest part of it is gone, except where the drifts were deepest. We had a high of 51 yesterday and supposed to b a bit warmer today.

    Like you I am never bored...always sewing/quilting I want to do or a book to read or better yet, be in the sewing room with something to watch/listen to on the computer.

    I have been wanting a rigid heddle loom but so far won't let myself get one because I done spend a lot on quilting, and even worse, I don't have room for it. But oh, how I would love one to make rag rugs, maybe even some scarves and placemants. But it all goes back to not having room for it.

  11. Those pictures are beautiful! I love the ones with the cardinals. They look like a Christmas card. I'd be shocked to see a vulture! I hope the kitties stay safe.

  12. Hello! How DO you get those beautiful birds at your feeder??? It is cold here, and like you, I am never at a loss for something to do inside. We are watching the Olympics too. I am excited for the figure skating. And I read and snuggle by the fire. Have a cozy evening, my friend.

  13. cardinals...i saw a lot, what a beautiful view you have!! funny ...i hear the same question, and my answer is the same as yours, i have a big house and 1000 hobbit, i'm good!!!

    we are enjoying the olympics too, and the super bowl. it was nice to see 2 evenly matched teams battle it out!!

  14. Lovely photos of those beautiful birds.

  15. The photos of the cardinals in the snowy trees brought back memories of similar scenes when we lived in VA, where we did get some snowy days! Like yourself, we are never bored when confined indoors and both Grenville and myself have our own interests. Yeah to AcornTV and Britbox and now I have PBS Passport videos as well, so many choices! I haven't read any of the authors you mentioned, but a couple of my own recommendations are Claire Mackintosh and Peter Swanson.


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