Hello lovely friends! Today’s post is inspired by Monet’s series of paintings, Water Lilies. I read in my Daily Bread this morning that he ‘created them to depict the serenity of the flowers in his backyard pond to give viewers “an asylum of peaceful meditation”…after the ravages of WWI.’ (The reading went on to talk about Paul in Ephesians 2.) Water lilies! How pretty they are! That led me to change my wallpaper and search through my photos for water lilies and pond scenes depicting peace and serenity. Sadly there was a definite dearth of said photos. These are them. (Lots of peaceful ocean scenes in my archives though.) It went on to say that while he was painting the series he seldom felt at peace. Wind blew his canvases away and road dust settled on the lilies. He stomped on the canvases and cut them up and started over time and again in frustration. He said that he suffered agonies when he painted them. So, the peace we feel when we look at them came at a cost to him. I felt this analogy was apt to the times we are living in now.  Someone has to pay the cost for what we call peace. And peace means different things to different situations and peoples. Peace is not pure, but shaded, with the exception, of course, of God’s peace. 


❤️ Monet’s painting. It’s very soothing.❤️

 Yesterday I read a lot of your blog posts that come into my mail box and the comments left on my blog. Thank you one and all. It was a bad iPad day because every comment I tried to post on your blogs came back as “an error has occurred, try again later”. So frustrating, not that I have excellent comments to make-but you know what I mean. 😫

Not a whole lot happening. In reading the blog, AFTERNOON COFFEE AND EVENING TEA, I enjoyed reading the list Billie Jo made before getting out of bed of what she needed to do for that day.  It was a long list! I wondered if I did that if it would make me more productive or would I forget it upstairs and that would be that. 

We have warmer temps with a thunderstorm forecast for this afternoon. The sky is darkening so I think it just might be correct. I should walk Lucy around the house. Roger will walk Buddy. Speaking of Roger he is having a lot of discomfort from a condition called PERIFORMIS SYNDROME. Another name is DEEP GLUTEEL SYNDROME.  Poor guy is miserable. Can’t sit, can’t lie down. Taking therapy and muscle relaxers. 

So, there you have it. 

Take good care of yourselves.




  1. You found some lovely pictures. There is a calmness about Water Lilies. I am so thankful for the peace God gives.

  2. Thank you for the information about the beautiful painting! And for sharing here tonight. I always enjoy visiting you here. And thankfully, today was not as hectic as yesterday for me! I have to admit, I am tired! I think I took all my energy for granted when I was younger! Have a cozy evening, my friend.

    1. Billie Jo, I am so sorry I butchered your name! I am so not good at remembering names. I love your blog though and the fact that we both live in Pa.💖

  3. Your pictures and the water lilies painting are breathtakingly beautiful together. Enjoyed reading your post. Thank you.

  4. Beautiful post, the painting are lovely.
    So sorry your husband is having problems, the sciatic nerve can be a pain sometimes.


  5. Love how you’ve set up your post. Hope Roger feels better soon.

  6. I hope Roger gets some relief from his pain soon. My husband suffers from sciatica and finds that stretching his legs sometimes helps a little.

  7. Loved the lilies and was surprised at Monet's difficulties at achieving the lovely illusion. Kind of makes one realize that peace often has a price.
    I am so sorry about Roger's condition. I Googled it and his discomfort sounds so much like sciatica. Sure hope he finds relief soon.

  8. Waterlilies are very calming! I hope Roger gets some relief from his pain soon:(

  9. I hope therapy helps Roger feel better soon. His symptoms sound very painful. Hugs

  10. Waterlilies are lovely aren't they.
    I do hope Roger can get some relief from his pain soon.

    All the best Jan

  11. Dear Susan, I've always loved Monet's water lily painting. Right now on the Jacquie Lawson e-care website, she uses the painting for one of her cards and it's delightful what she does with it.

    I've been away from visiting blogs for many, many months. I hope to return to yours more often now. Thank you for sharing the information about Monet and the painting. How paradoxical that he labored with so much stress and the painting he produced brings so much peace and comfort. Peace.


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