Summer Flowers

 Hello dear readers! The above photo is lovely…I did not take it. It reminded me of how our cardinals and deer enjoy our blueberries from our one bush every year before we think to check if they are ripe. I hope you are well. It’s hot here, very humid, a typical summer for us in eastern Pennsylvania.I have a love hate relationship with Summer. I mostly stay inside but do venture out with the dogs most every day, late afternoon, to sit under the shade trees and knit or read. Speaking of which I just finished a great read. 

Today my post is all about flowers and houses on the Island. Long time readers will know what I am talking about. I took these in June when I was there with daughter and grandsons. We were there for 2 weeks to work on the OLD HOMESTEAD but since my daughter rarely travels these days we tried to sight-see as much as possible.

June is Lupine Festival time on Deer Isle in Maine. They are everywhere. However, there’s another wild growing flower that is also beautiful, especially when it frames a New England house. It is the wild rose aka Rugosa rose.  I wish I could have bottled the fragrance  I enjoyed as I took these photos.❤️

There are a few more captures growing in places I didn’t expect to see them…just among the roadside or on the shore edging.

And there you have it.
Enjoy these days of Summer.
Keep cool.


  1. Summer beauty is good for the soul! Wonderful photos! Have a great weekend.

  2. Beautiful flowers. I love the roses, but the others have a special beauty as well.

  3. Wonderful photos and beautiful flowers.

  4. Gorgeous. It's a beautiful area anyway, but those pretty houses with the flowers blooming and the sun shining down makes it even more special.

  5. What a beautiful post, the Cardinal is stunning as are the flowers.
    Thank-you for the book review.
    I will mention it at book club.


  6. Thanks, Susan, as I did indeed enjoy these colors of summers and have seen many of the wild roses as well. The old homes were lovely too.

  7. Such pretty flowers! I enjoyed them all!

  8. Lovely to see your photographs, the flowers are so colourful.

    All the best Jan


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