WELCOME! And hello! I have been missing in action and I apologize to my faithful readers. I guess the major reason is that I have been in a slump. Summers are my least favourite season. As I get older my SAD, but in my case I have a problem with too much light, has become more intense unfortunately. But, now that cooler temps are here and shorter days I am enjoying the cozy evenings. I have started going for walks again and become less of a recluse.  There's  nothing I can do about it but just accept it and endure.

The leaves are changing here but after our dry summer I'm not sure what our foliage this year will be like. My daughter lives in the Poconos and time will tell whether it will be beautiful or blah.

Our trees on our land are making me happy especially with a blue sky.

We have a lot of young Cardinals on our property.

And the birds are eating us out of house and home. Roger has already put the suet and peanut feeders out.

I hope that you also are have enjoyed September. 

I will visit with you soon.

Take Care!



  1. Hope you move out of the summer slump. We both have SAD also but not until November and we have a light we use once a day most of the winter until the days get longer and the sun brighter! It seems to make a difference!

  2. I am so sorry to hear you've been down. I hope you never have a down day again and I sure hope you can enjoy autumn to the full. The photos you shared are just so beautiful and certainly made me smile.

  3. I hope you enjoy autumn to the fullest. It looks like you are off to a good start!

  4. Interesting. I've never heard of anyone getting SAD in summer -- I thought it was a winter thing, at least it is for me -- but it just goes to show you, people are different! I'm wondering about those fall colors, too. Will the dry summer lead to a drab autumn? Hope not.

  5. Enjoy the autumn months and cosy evenings.

  6. Thank you for sharing these beautiful photographs.
    Enjoy your Autumn months.

    All the best Jan

  7. Thank-you for sharing these beautiful photos, I am a bird lover and feed them all year long.


  8. Autumn is a beautiful time of the year, isn't it? I love that apple wall hanging; did you make it?

  9. Seems like a lot of us have struggles these days. My Roger has had a hard summer.

    I love that apple wall hanging...did you make it?

  10. Nice to find a new post here, Susan. I hope you will be feeling better now that autumn has arrived. It is always such a calming and colorful season for me and others as well. I was so glad to see the heat of summer leave NH at the end of September and good riddance too!


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