Gaze at these beauties if you need cheering up!

A walk in nature could be just what we need to jumpstart our weary souls. 

 Hello again, happy November! My, the days are flying off the calendar! Soon it will be Thanksgiving. The air this morning is a bit crisp with temps in the 30’s last night. I would love it if Roger decided to cover over our strawberry patch with leaves to insulate them for winter so I could have peace of mind. I have mentioned it, several times.😐

( I have been diagnosed with degenerative discs in my back so at least I can now put a name to my back miseries.) 😒     

 Buddy loves this weather as long as it doesn’t rain. He absolutely hates to get his feet wet. He is such a happy dog and has brought a lot of sunshine into our lives. 1st I am knitting him a sweater. My first real garment since I learned to knit. Picture to share when it’s finished.πŸ€—

We’ve had a few nights when we could look up into the heavens to marvel at the beauty of it all. Our night skies are not nearly as dramatic as gazing up at them from the Island in Maine but we have what we have so we should count our blessings. And, as you can see, mine involves a lot of leaves! I often stop and scold myself for not appreciating what I see around me. Why don’t I appreciate my ordinary life more? Nature can wash away a mountain of stress and anxiety. 

Squirrels and chipmunks are preparing for winter also.

We have about a dozen Christmas cactus plants helping to brighten our days. 

Roger has a pet deer. A young buck. He will take food from his hand. He hangs out on the property. Here he is resting until supper time…

My house plants are thriving right now.
Nika is still with us. She is our old lady at 18 yrs. Our vet diagnosed her with kidney failure several months ago but she eats, sleeps and is content, so we take it one day at a time. 

Recipe for sluggish people


100 grams dried dates

1 c.unsalted cashews

1 c. ground almonds

1 tbsp. chia seeds

juice of 1/2 lemon

Pinch of sea salt

Whiz it all up in blender until it is pretty fine, squish into balls, put in frig. Delish!

And there you have it.

Much love


A Maine scene from my archives …


  1. Hello! So happy to see you here today! Your photos are absolutely beautiful. I love them all, especially your little pup! I look forward to seeing your knitting project! Have a cozy afternoon, my friend. We had our first snow yesterday!

  2. I love the critters and the blooms. So good to see you again!

  3. Your flowers are pretty and so cheerful! Sorry to hear about your back problems, hope you can find some relief:)

  4. Beautiful post, I needed to see something of beauty today, its very cold here in Minnesota in Annandale it's a cold 16 degrees.
    Krissy and Mikey (dogs) say a sweet hello to Buddy.
    Blondie the Cat says hello to Nika.


  5. So nice to find a new post here, Susan, and while the back diagnosis isn't great, I can understand as my diagnosis was generative joint disease so I have regular chiropractic visits, which thankfully are covered by Medicare. Perhaps going to one could also offer you some relief? Yes, it seems that too far often we do not appreciate nature as much as we should because it can help de-stress us. The views were lovely and how nice that Roger has a pet deer in the yard, which hopefully will be safe from any hunters.Buddy sounds like me as I too hate to get my feet wet when it rains and Nika looked very content.

    Sending best wishes to you and Roger and family for a wonderful Thanksgiving from our home to yours.

  6. I was sure I'd commented here!
    It may have gone into spam folder...

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  7. Beautiful. Thank you for visiting my blog and I have added you to my list. Maine is beautiful --I love the Maine Cabin Masters show, grin. Have a beautiful Thanksgiving.

  8. I hope you're doing well, Susan. I love the picture of what I presume is your house all lit up inside. That's inspiration for the (amateur) photographer in me.

  9. I'm Paula from Colorado, I have been blogging for a while now, and today I felt like I should share my story because I was a victim too. I had endometriosis and herpes virus for 18 years and I never thought I would ever get a cure due to the terrible symptoms I had and this made it impossible for me to get pregnant even after 12 years of marriage, and it was a serious issue. Furthermore, I got to know about Dr. Itua on a Blog Site who treated someone and the person shared a story of how she got a cure and gave her contact details, I contacted Dr. Itua, and he actually confirmed it and I decided to give it a try too and use his herbal medicine. That was how my burden ended completely. My son will be 2 this December, and I am grateful to God and thankful to his medicine too.Dr Itua Can As Well Cure The Following Disease… Cancer, HIV, Herpes, Hepatitis B, Liver Inflammatory, Diabetes, Fibroid, Get Your Ex Back,  If you have (A just reach his on ( or order herbs from his herbs store can also advise you on how to handle some marital issues. He's a good man. 


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