Hello dear bloggy friends. I hope that you are weathering the Winter well.❄️ Here in Eastern Pennsylvania we have had it much milder than expected, at least so far. We have had it very cold but now our temps are in the 50’s. Unbelievable! May it continue.

I have dug into my photos to come up with something wintry. Can you tell that I miss the ocean?

The SUPER BOWL was last night. It was a VERY exciting game. However, our team, the EAGLES, didn't win. Roger was jumping and hollering like a madman throughout the ups and downs. 35 to 35 right up to the end. THEN the CHIEFS GOT A FIELD GOAL IN THE LAST MINUTE OR TWO. So, that was that. I was disappointed and felt bad for the Eagles. But Roger was beside himself. He called some of his cronies to commiserate and they decided the game had been fixed.  🙄  I heard all this from upstairs. I put in ear pods, put the pillow over my head and drifted off to sleep. This morning I got up around 6 to let the dogs out and feed them and also the cats were sitting by their bowls waiting. Roger usually does the early feeding and I feed them at night. 

But poor Roger was quiet and depressed when he did get up. He spent the morning in the bird room talking to Budgie and doing bills at his desk. I have stayed out of his way but did ask him if he wanted to watch something. He loves movies but I prefer mysteries.  He said no, he wasn't in the mood. It's almost 2 o'clock and he is still not functioning. He hasn't eaten anything and has gone back to bed. Can you believe all this?! Hopefully he'll snap out of it soon.  Poor guy. I can't imagine getting so wrapped up in football that it would put me off my food!💛

Well, I hope Roger recovers by tomorrow! I’m looking forward to something chocolate❣️

But for now I think I will brew a pot of tea.

Take good care of yourselves!


  1. Poor Roger. He is a committed Eagles fan for sure. Hope he recovers soon. 🙂

  2. Hello, my friend. Thank you for sharing the lovely winter photos. Like you, we have had a mild winter too. I am sorry your team lost. I always feel badly that someone has to lose. Happy Valentine's Day tomorrow!

  3. You better perk poor Roger up! We do not follow football at it is all Greek to me:)

  4. It was an exciting game! I do hope that Roger gets over his disappointment and you receive a lovely box of chocolates and a bouquet of flowers, too! :)

  5. Good game. But it ended not with a bang but a whimper. Nice winter photos . . . of another, colder winter?

  6. Thank you for the lovely winter photographs.
    Happy Valentines Day.

    All the best Jan

  7. Sorry that Roger has taken the Eagles loss so hard; he's really a diehard fan. My husband also watched the game and while disappointed, he recovered fairly soon saying it was a great game. Your winter scenes are lovely, Susan. There is no snow here and temps in the 50 and near 60 this week.

  8. gorgeous images of winter, here in central new jersey we have not gotten any snow!! i am a die hard chiefs fan and i do not feel the game was fixed. i thought both teams played so well, the game was close, exciting...but only one team was going to win. there were several questionable calls against both teams but i thought it was a very well called, fair game!!!

  9. Fun post of beautiful photos, so sorry your team lost, I do not watch any pro sports I only watch the Olympics when they are on.



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