Hello dear bloggers. It’s me again. I hope you are well and enjoying at least something that can put a Spring in your step! Here in Eastern Pennsylvania we are blooming with colors. I took a few photos the other day to prove it.

I have even dug myself out of the house to be out and about. Mostly appointments, my health is not the best, heart issues, but I’m far from being incapacitated and life goes on. We all have something to deal with, don’t we. I’m working on my weight issues because I will need knee surgery sooner rather than later. I had knee replacement on the other knee about 5 years ago. Anyway, that’s where I am at.

Oh the beauty of Spring! I drove through our neighborhood the other day and the flowering trees, especially the Japanese Cherrys! Love, love, love. 

Today we are getting together here at the house to acknowledge my oldest grandson’s 19th birthday!  What a privilege to have these grandchildren! This grandchild is super special because he was diagnosed on the autistic scale very early on in his life. His mother (my daughter) has been the best mother he could have and together they have worked through his issues one step at a time without medication. She homeschooled him and he excelled in many of his subjects as well as a technological wizard as far as I am concerned. I go to him with all my techy issues. He is tall, handsome and very lovable. I will try to get a good picture of him today. 

So, we are up early for us today in order to get the house presentable for the birthday/Easter celebration. We have so much cluttering going on here! I am the worst because I have yarn, patterns and books, paperwork from getting the house in Maine on the market, and the list goes on. I find it rather comforting to have my favorite stuff at hand so I don’t have to do steps with my bad knee but it will have to be put away in its own places again. 

Our magnolia trees are beautiful right now. I can’t get over the beauty of what’s outside our windows and it changes daily!❤️

Well, I must get my act together. This house 🏡 isn’t going to clean itself. Can you believe we have 4 levels -that’s a lot of steps!

Take care and have a blessed Easter 💕. 


  1. Happy and Blessed Easter, my friend. Happy Birthday also to your sweet grandson. I hope you all have a cozy day celebrating together! Lovely photos!

  2. Happy Blessed Easter: I have many and I mean many friends who homeschool, I think it is an amazing tool to teach at home.
    Happy Birthday to your Grandson, I hope he has a wonderful day and eats lots of cake yum.
    Your photos are stunning, we still have snow on the ground over a foot.
    Have a wonderful week


  3. Hello, I enjoyed my visit here today. Your grandson sounds like a wonderful young man. I hope that you and yours have a wonderful Easter!

  4. Happy Easter! Your blooms are beautiful!

  5. Love your flowers. We have daffodils, too, and lots of forsythia. Good luck with your (other) knee.

  6. Wishing you grandson a belated Happy Birthday! Wishing you a very Happy Easter.

  7. You do have a lot of beauty just outside your home. I trust you had a wonderful day celebrating this special young man.

  8. Your grandson sounds like a wonderful young man. Belated best wishes to him.

    Your spring is well underway and looking so beautiful.

    Take care, Susan.

  9. Belated Easter greetings to you, Susan, and hope that your family gathering and birthday celebration for your grandson were happy times. The blooms you share are lovely and sadly we have not many here in Nashua, NH. And, I know how difficult losing weight can be as my husband and I are both working on that "project" now but thankfully are not facing any surgery.

  10. i hope you had a nice easter and a wonderful birthday celebration with your grandson!! spring has certainly arrived there in pa. everything looks really beautiful!! i think the tulip magnolia tree may be my favorite. with the home remodel here, i feel like i am cleaning every day!!

  11. Oh goodness! Did my previous comment end up in spam folder!

    Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan


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