What a beautiful time of the year! Are you well and enjoying Spring? I have hope in my heart as I gaze out my windows. How can we not have enthusiasm when we look around us …how can we not have hope. (Of course, you could be enjoying Fall or Autumn, depending on where you live.) It seemed like our Winter was a long one despite me loving its coziness. It was not harsh here but other areas of our country were hit hard with disastrous weather conditions. And, the Evening News…so full of woes and bleakness. The unspeakable war in the Ukraine and our cost of living through the roof. Oil prices. Gas prices. Food prices. Interest rates. We  still have Trump to beat on and Biden has certainly not been an answer to prayer. 

Roger, who is an avid obituary reader as we settle into bed for the night, loves to read them aloud. He grew up in the area so he can always find an acquaintance(s) that has passed on or passed over. Not to mention the demise of admired celebrities. And all those that have strange names (?) or have lots of children or those whose wakes he MUST attend. He HAS to read them to me.  As for myself, I try to block my consciousness of what he is saying in a good murder mystery.  In other words, our habits reflect our state of mind.

And then came Spring…waking up to birds singing! And the awakening of our community where we live in Bethlehem. If you have a curious nature google it.  Its background is Moravian  and Center City is just lovely. I once did a blog posting on the buildings and churches and Moravian College and Lehigh University. We live in a huge suburb tucked in the mountains we call Lower Saucon just outside the City and I have lived in Allentown and Bethlehem since 1980. God gave me a wonderful blessing when He planted us here.  My mouth overflows with adjectives, lol. I love the cozy evenings of Winter but I am loving the colors of Spring. Even my knitting reflects more vibrant colors. Yes, I love love love my knitting life. I am a beginner knitter at the age of 73 after being a crochetaholic for many years and an avid quilter before that. It has taken over my life…yarn, patterns, YouTube, fellowship. But that’s a separate blather for another day.

Aren’t the trees luscious? All the different shades of green. I can once more walk around the house with the dogs first thing in the morning in my pjs with my cup of tea and not be seen by anyone. I have an old but still friendly bench tucked away in amongst them. Bliss. 
I have started to clean up the back patio and to place pots of pretty pansies (my mother’s favorite plant) so that when I look out through the 4 double sliding and French doors at the back of the house I will be bombarded by their bright and smiling “faces”. I am still collecting them from various little farm stands in and about our area. Mother’s Day is almost upon us and I am really missing Mom. She left us almost 2 years ago to be with Dad in heaven but it seems like only yesterday. ❤️

What are you looking at when you look out your windows? We still have very cool nights. Last night was low 40’s.

And there you have it! 
Have a wonderful weekend and don’t forget to count your blessings!


  1. Such beautiful photos...I look out my off centered kitchen window (grin) and see the fire pit that hubby has rebuilt...here in central FL we mainly have sand --and huge oak trees...so it's hard for grass to grow, the backyard is a work in progress. sigh. Have a beautiful rest of the day.

  2. When I look out my window, it's not as pretty as what you see. We have some nice azaleas in bloom. But we live in town, so I also see the street, and parked cars, and electric wires strung on poles. You're right though, my favorite time of year.

  3. When I look out our 5th floor window at the mill apts, I see the Nashua River below and Canada geese, Mallards, gulls, and the occasional blue heron. Unfortunately, I do not see any lovely blooms as you have shown here, Susan. There are trees blooming in the parking lot area and pansies have been planted. Some tulips have also returned. I am like Roger in that I also read obituaries whenever we have traveled someplace where a newspaper is available. I also read them online in the weekly paper from the area we lived in on the VA eastern shore, but not aloud to anyone.

  4. I so agree with you, this is a beautiful time of the year and your photographs show it so well.

    We have some lovely colours in the garden at the moment and it is a joy to see.
    Our weather is still a mix of sunshine and showers but the garden plants seem to like it.

    Enjoy your May days.

    All the best Jan

  5. You have some beautiful things to see from your window! I have some trees to look at, but, most of them have finished flowering.

  6. I see green grass finally and leaves! Enjoy Summer!


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